If you want to eat meat, eat meat. If you don't want to eat meat, don't eat meat.
Don't eat meat if you don't want to, and don't deny yourself meat if you do want it.
Why is this so fucking difficult for some people? I've been a vegetarian for over 22 years now, and I don't get this stick some veggies have up their arse about what other people eat. Is it because you really really want to eat meat and the only way you can justify depriving yourself of what you want is to pretend that eating meat is some nasty evil thing that nobody should ever do, ever?
Don't eat meat if you don't want to, and don't deny yourself meat if you do want it.
Why is this so fucking difficult for some people? I've been a vegetarian for over 22 years now, and I don't get this stick some veggies have up their arse about what other people eat. Is it because you really really want to eat meat and the only way you can justify depriving yourself of what you want is to pretend that eating meat is some nasty evil thing that nobody should ever do, ever?