(February 21, 2014 at 6:13 am)KichigaiNeko Wrote: What I am refuting bennyboy is your teenage angst regarding suffering. Are you Buddhist or Jainism ?No. I'm just a guy who thinks that animals shouldn't be made to suffer if it can be avoided. I don't see what a moral argument has to do with either teenage angst or with Asian philosophies.
Quote:You blather on about animal "suffering" yet seem happy for such "suffering" to occur in the cause of vegetarianism to the point where other long term vegetarians have had enough of your whinging.You still haven't specified what suffering I'm willing to inflict in the "cause of vegetarianism."
Quote:You also neglect the fact that the big four industries are pandering to you and your pathetic idealism to create the very thing your "ethical" choice is supposedly to prevent and you seem quite happy with this hypocrisy.Is there another bennyboy here? None of what you are saying ever happened.
Quote:Not everyone can do a vegetarian diet. I have been consistent with this and I will no condemn anyone who finds it suitable for their particular metabolism ....but I will call bullshit for the pseudo-religious vocalisations that you and your cohorts want to impose on ALL PEOPLE just because YOU think this is something that EVERYONE SHOULD ADOPT (aka religious belief that vegetarianism is much more ethical than omnivoreism) or is that why I have to suffer protein enriched flour (that I don't need because of a balanced omnivorous diet) and the fact the companies like Monsantos have these "roundup ready soy beans" that they need to recoup the research $$$$$$ from?I'm still not seeing a connection between your increasingly hysterical tyrade and anything I've ever actually said. Have I not on several cases specifically argued against big agricultural companies, in favor even of naturally-grazed cattle?
Quote:And what of palm oil? We used to be able to get the fats necessary to produce soap from animal fats... But NO say the vegetarians, you can get it from palm oil! Yippie! So now we have the habitat of untold Indonesian species being wiped out because of vegetarian preferences, not to mention the displacement of thousands of people just to keep you "ethical Veggies" happy? And then give you something to whinge about?You are addressing your arguments to me, but they have nothing to do with anything I've ever said. Have you officially given up on engaging actual ideas, and gone into full tilt mode?
The animal-fat soap vs. Indonesian ecosystem dilemma is clearly a false one. These are not the only sources of fatty acids which can be mixed with lye to make soaps.