(February 20, 2014 at 5:54 pm)NoraBrimstone Wrote: If you want to eat meat, eat meat. If you don't want to eat meat, don't eat meat. Don't eat meat if you don't want to, and don't deny yourself meat if you do want it.
Why is this so fucking difficult for some people? I've been a vegetarian for over 22 years now, and I don't get this stick some veggies have up their arse about what other people eat. Is it because you really really want to eat meat and the only way you can justify depriving yourself of what you want is to pretend that eating meat is some nasty evil thing that nobody should ever do, ever?
I have seen so many bankrupt posts but this one is such a pearl of stupidity that must deserve the first price.
Put in this way.
A meat eater get stuck in a deserted island then he die with some cardiovascular diseases.
That's ok with me.
He may even be excused as on that island there may be that there was nothing else to eat.
The problem however arise when same idiot who live in our society want to eat meat despite the fact that we can live much better without.
Now is not that these guys are happy with eating wild or game meat that even cause problems like erosion like here in Australia (camels, wild horses, donkey, pigs, kangaroos, rabbits, hares, goats......) but they want manly beef.
In order to have so many cattle it is needed a lot of grains and soya and in order to get so much feed we have to cut so many forests which change the climate for the worse.
Even if these animals would graze on the land we still need to cut the forests so either way the forests are gone.
Then we need more water which is more and more scarce as the forests that attract the rain are gone.
Then we have more pollution as the dung pollute the air.
Then we have more diseases due to eating food not compatible with a human body and these diseases are a burden for the society as the taxpayers have to put up with the bill.
So why you say that it is not my business whether someone eat meat or not?
Why should i pay more and more taxes and why should i have more pollution in the air why should i have less clean water and less of it and why should i have more desert in one place and more flooding in an other place?
I don't fart in people face so i do expect that meat eaters don't cause problem to me.
Is this too much to ask?