This show has recently become "The Constant Angst and Crying Show." I want to see zombie killing action, not this "OMG we're so broken, life sucks" bullshit. Especially from Michonne. I mean, she's a mysterious badass. She should continue to be a badass. She may feel like she's lost everything, but that's not accurate, because she has her katana, and katanas are awesome.
I get Carl breaking down because he thinks he lost his sister, he definitely lost his mom, he lost a substitute father figure before that, and now his actual father is seriously wounded and could die at any time, and Carl's only like 10 years old. That legitimately sucks.
My mom thinks Carol never actually
and is actually trying to protect that psychotic fucked up kid. I don't really buy that. What do you folks think?
I get Carl breaking down because he thinks he lost his sister, he definitely lost his mom, he lost a substitute father figure before that, and now his actual father is seriously wounded and could die at any time, and Carl's only like 10 years old. That legitimately sucks.
My mom thinks Carol never actually