(March 21, 2014 at 9:16 pm)Thunder Cunt Wrote: Am I a poster child for what a guy should not say to gain deidras trust?Word. I have a tendency to turn most of my online conversations to something about sexuality, because it's a topic that fascinates me. But I made the mistake of talking frankly to an Indian man about my lesbianism before I went to India and learned what creeps Indian men are, and I now understand why he was so stalkery.
Make em work hard!
I have to edit my posts constantly.
If I just cld exercise self control and stop talking about sex my chances of going to the troll gulag would decrease 99% :p
There really isnt a whole lot else that I enjoy talking about
And then there was the "straight" woman who claimed to be a Muslim from Brunei that was obsessed with me and implied she was going to kill herself over it. I wrote her a bitter, sarcastic poem about how she was using me for her sick rape fantasies, but she didn't sense any bitterness or sarcasm and thought it was sexy as hell.
GODDAMN I hate when women use me as the "rapist" in their rape fantasies. Getting all mad at me when they say "no" or "stop" and I immediately stop what I'm doing. It's usually chicks that have been raised in deeply sexually repressive religions, like Catholicism and Islam. And then one of them actually had the gall to claim I RAPED her. Not just in private, she pretty much told everyone in her life that's what happened. That was one of the times when I was tempted to call her a bitch and pimp slap her, but I showed amazing restraint and did neither of those things. I don't care what anyone says, I am one fantastic fucking person. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT...