Pagan is simply the beliefs of the people. It's where we get the word "propaganda," or "what you tell the populous."
Paganism is usually related to animism, or like futile says the mother goddess, historically a direct opposition to Christianity and its' "father" deity, which ironically would be masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nevertheless, the tie between paganism and "devil worship" is largely created by missionaries.
At most, the only "worship" in most pagan traditions is placation: making the evil spirits happy or imitating them so they leave your village alone.
What we now know as Wicca originated as a neo pagan revival in the 1950's.
Paganism is usually related to animism, or like futile says the mother goddess, historically a direct opposition to Christianity and its' "father" deity, which ironically would be masculine, feminine, and neuter. Nevertheless, the tie between paganism and "devil worship" is largely created by missionaries.
At most, the only "worship" in most pagan traditions is placation: making the evil spirits happy or imitating them so they leave your village alone.
What we now know as Wicca originated as a neo pagan revival in the 1950's.