Last night I was reading about Sigmund Freud's ideas of the psyche... The three part model of Id, Ego and Superego.
They basically translate as "It", "I" and "Above I"... The id consists of the base instincts, and the superego conscience and empathy. The interesting one is the ego, it is what we consider to be our "selves" and it likes to be in control. But in reality the ego is pulled in both directions by basic instinct/desire and by a sense of morality.
It kind of proved to me that free will is at least partly an illusion... We can't consciously or willingly change or choose our nature, and are forever trying to strike a balance between these two conflicting sides. To live a normal existence requires all three... The id is what keeps you alive and out of danger, but uncontrolled can lead to destructive behaviour for both yourself and those around you. Conversely, the superego prevents the id from doing this, but uncontrolled can also lead to destructive behaviour.
I suppose humans have always been aware of these three parts, and have used religion to personify them. God being a personification of the superego and the Devil being the id... With the ego or self being caught in the middle.
Perhaps its the reason religion causes people to do such stupid things... Martyrdom, self harming, deliberate piety, etc. Because it asks people to completely suppress the id and allow the superego to take over.
Just my musings...
They basically translate as "It", "I" and "Above I"... The id consists of the base instincts, and the superego conscience and empathy. The interesting one is the ego, it is what we consider to be our "selves" and it likes to be in control. But in reality the ego is pulled in both directions by basic instinct/desire and by a sense of morality.
It kind of proved to me that free will is at least partly an illusion... We can't consciously or willingly change or choose our nature, and are forever trying to strike a balance between these two conflicting sides. To live a normal existence requires all three... The id is what keeps you alive and out of danger, but uncontrolled can lead to destructive behaviour for both yourself and those around you. Conversely, the superego prevents the id from doing this, but uncontrolled can also lead to destructive behaviour.
I suppose humans have always been aware of these three parts, and have used religion to personify them. God being a personification of the superego and the Devil being the id... With the ego or self being caught in the middle.
Perhaps its the reason religion causes people to do such stupid things... Martyrdom, self harming, deliberate piety, etc. Because it asks people to completely suppress the id and allow the superego to take over.
Just my musings...