I am not anti-Semitic. I was trying to explain to you, along with Minimalist, that the gospels are indeed anti-Semitic and show very little knowledge of the Jewish milieu in which they are supposed to be set. As for the historical Jesus, if he did provoke a disturbance in the temple, it might show that his understanding of the temple procedure was very limited. Yes, he was a Jew and should have known better, but consider how utterly stupid contemporary rednecks are on the subject of taxes, as if the government just took the money and provided no services whatsoever.
Sorry, I had forgotten your reasoning on the empty tomb. It no doubt fits with Jewish law. I still see the empty tomb story as a fiction written a generation later. First, the Jews say, your Jesus was dead and buried, and then the Christians counter with a story about an empty tomb. So the Jews respond, the disciples must have stolen the body, and the Christians make up a story about a Roman guard on the imaginary tomb. Even if Jesus had been buried in the dirt, we would have got the same story of resurrection and apotheosis, just as we do today with Elvis.
Sorry, I had forgotten your reasoning on the empty tomb. It no doubt fits with Jewish law. I still see the empty tomb story as a fiction written a generation later. First, the Jews say, your Jesus was dead and buried, and then the Christians counter with a story about an empty tomb. So the Jews respond, the disciples must have stolen the body, and the Christians make up a story about a Roman guard on the imaginary tomb. Even if Jesus had been buried in the dirt, we would have got the same story of resurrection and apotheosis, just as we do today with Elvis.
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people — House