Daystar, in the hope you will be checking posts during your cooling off period I post this now. You are a bit of a mystery. You are obviously intelligent and study things you feel are important. You've made some interesting points that have made me think about things pertaining to God (and the guys here are enlightening me about the things pertaining to science.) Why do you get so worked up? I read your threads and I don't see anyone being unfair or unreasonable. They are getting frustrated at how you react to them- it's a vicious circle. Dissecting something may not be pretty, but it may be necessary to discover the truth of the matter. I can't believe someone here has not made you stop and think 'shit, they've got a point there'. Bring back the calm man in the soothing, cooling rain.

"The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility"
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein