RE: Argument #1: Transitional Fossils
April 22, 2014 at 7:04 pm
(This post was last modified: April 22, 2014 at 7:12 pm by MJ the Skeptical.)
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: If a kind or basic type of animal over a long period of time has evolved into a different kind of basic type of animal, then it is reasonable to expect a plethora of transitional forms in the fossil record. However, this is not the case, rather, the fossil record shows the original diversity of animal and plant forms.
The tree of life, so to speak, has many broken branches. There are in fact many transitional forms for just about every animal. Best example I can think of are Neanderthals, they were a different transitional form that came out of Homo-Erectus and we were a different transitional form that came to be Homo-Sapiens. WTF does original diversity mean? is that some biblical nonsense? like "kinds" instead of species...
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: - wholesale transitions in organisms over time
There is evidence for that, you just can't live long enough to witness it first hand. But you don't need to witness a murder to know there was a murder, there's demonstrable evidence.
Does it move you that the entire scientific community is in consensus over this? that all the evidence points towards a natural progression, little change over a long period of time.
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: - primitive forms evolving into complex forms
This is also able to be confirmed. Is your contention with this that you basically want a duck to give birth to a swan.. What is the problem with little change over time? Hypothetically, if Micro-evolution is fine with you, then what's the problem.. Fossils are good enough evidence to see changes have occurred and still do, which is why we aren't perfect copies of our parents. We can confirm this on a genetic level down to the DNA, it's not even up for debate anymore.
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: - gradual derivation of new organisms produced transitional forms
Clearly this is the case because we are continually transitioning each generation.
And if it weren't the case, you could be famous for being the guy who overturned the highly decorated Theory of Evolution that we need to understand for things like developing Antibiotics.
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: Trilobites are an example of an organism appearing suddenly in the fossil record void of any evidence of transitions. Furthermore, trilobites have an organized complexity comparable to modern day invertebrates.
No, they didn't. Trilobites had to transition from something else as well.
Just because we may not have found their ancestor (which I bet I could contradict) doesn't mean they didn't transition, that's an argument from ignorance.
(April 21, 2014 at 9:10 am)Revelation777 Wrote: The facts remain, fossils have been discovered to suddenly appear in the record without transition. This is what would be expected from intelligent design not macroevolution.
Do you understand that the fossil record is not perfect and it is incomplete? That doesn't mean we throw away all our knowledge of it. We've made huge strides in the past few decades on the geologic column and the fossil record. Do you also understand how hard it is for fossils to be produced naturally? the dead bodies don't always form fossils, many fossils will erode away, many fossils are very deep in rock where we can't get them, and to be honest fossilization is kind of rare. And what kind of idiot god makes it look like a natural world that evolved? a prankster god unworthy of worship.
If the hypothetical idea of an afterlife means more to you than the objectively true reality we all share, then you deserve no respect.