RE: So U think Vegan is healthy?
April 24, 2014 at 12:55 am
(This post was last modified: April 24, 2014 at 1:06 am by MJ the Skeptical.)
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: I never said that you can be guaranteed to live to 100, that's your straw man. I said Dan Buettner's research shows that the capacity of the human body is around 90 years, however life expectancy all over the world is lower. He mentions that research shows that genetics are 10% responsible for longevity and that diet/lifestyle are 90% responsible.
Uh huh, because anyone who lives past 90 is going past their capacity... right...The capacity is at 90 yet we can live longer, could you get any more ironic? or just more dumb...Either one.
I was the one that said it was not a guarantee to live 90 and you contradicted me, you dipshit.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: Where is your source the assertion that the human body's capacity is about 200 years?
It's funny (ironic) because you didn't provide anything for your 90 year assertion, so I guess you're just as fucking inept with evidence aren't ya?
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: There you go, using the word 'irony' incorrectly again.
Or you're just too fucking stupid to see the irony, either one.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: There's that irony again of projecting what you're doing onto me.
That irony of projecting what I've said to you onto me.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: It irks me that you continue to use irony incorrectly, even after I took the time to explain it to you.
That's pretty ironic, but in a way that's clearly over your head.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: You know that it's really pathetic just how much you use labels and insults.
But you are a fuckwit, so the shoe fits, Cinderella.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: So what? We eat plenty of other mammals like Cattle, Pigs and Sheep. What makes Whales more special than these?
We? speak for yourself straw man making douche. You never asked me if I was okay with eating pigs or sheep, or animals like; dogs, cats, monkies, horses or even people which are customary in some places. Why the fuck would you assume what I eat? that makes you look even fucking dumber for crying straw man and claiming you never made any of your own. Ironic

(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: You did not. Some people need meat for muscle gain, others can gain muscle without meat on a short term basis, but there's no evidence that people can (generally speaking) continue to gain muscle long-term (20-year+) on a vegan diet.
Actually yes I did if you had a good memory.
Are you denying that there are athletes who are not vegans or even vegetarians who are less strict than vegans? So, I did bring something up, intellectually dishonest little guy, better go pray for forgiveness to your sky daddy for being a lying sack of shit.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: No, you use the word a lot but you don't know how to use it properly. Don't feel too stupid, there's plenty of other who don't know what irony means. Here's an example:
An irrelevant youtube video as a rebuttal, not shocked that you have no substance in your posts, but it's all good. Retards gon' be retards.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: I'm not being mean, I'm telling you that you're using the word irony wrongly. I have numerous examples of you, now, using the word to mean things it doesn't.
Idiots don't have valid opinions on what words mean, sorry. Here's an E-hug though.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: "Equate your arguments with veganism"? See, just about everything you accuse me of is your own invention. Did I accuse you of making every claim that a vegan would make or something? No. Just the one, the one that you did make.
What was with all the Anti-Vegan rhetoric towards me then?
It's not a straw man if it actually happened you stupid fuck.
(April 23, 2014 at 10:27 pm)Aractus Wrote: Go read a dictionary, believe it or not there are some Yanks who know the English language, you're just not one of them.
Yanks lol, so you're some limey little brainwashed anglican moron who likes to argue over dumb shit (like nationality for example). Who the fuck brings in nationality? like your a nation of English professors. Fuck off.
Go make more threads telling fat people they're stupid for being fat, you piece of shit.
If the hypothetical idea of an afterlife means more to you than the objectively true reality we all share, then you deserve no respect.