Even if this speeds up the changeover to some sort of alternative energy, the damage done to the environment (not to mention the effect on local economies) is going to be permanent, I fear. I am simply devastated by the implications of this. I can't even express it.
It is not a 'spill'... it is a 'flow'. It is currently spewing over 200,000 gallons of oil per day. If the main well-head fails (as they fear it could) it will begin to spew forth millions of gallons per day. Imagine an underwater volcano that is spewing forth oil instead of lava. That is basically what we have here. Like I said, this is a world changing event and I doubt any of those changes will be for the better. It gives me a sick, sinking feeling.
It is not a 'spill'... it is a 'flow'. It is currently spewing over 200,000 gallons of oil per day. If the main well-head fails (as they fear it could) it will begin to spew forth millions of gallons per day. Imagine an underwater volcano that is spewing forth oil instead of lava. That is basically what we have here. Like I said, this is a world changing event and I doubt any of those changes will be for the better. It gives me a sick, sinking feeling.