Metatheism is based on the idea that there is some definite reality, one way the world works and affects everything in it, including us humans. Now, this reality is very likely infinitely complex, with forces and rules that are far beyond anything we can comprehend. But this sure won’t stop us from trying. There are hundreds of ways to go about learning the truth of the world, science, art, religion... This is really a combination of all of those... To learn by listening to others perceptions and experiences, for no one person has the answer. You can’t see everything there is to see, or to know all there is to know; but very likely someone somewhere does know that particular thing you don’t. So the purpose of Metatheism is to try to understand as many viewpoints and ideas with the hope that when we consider all of the information people can give us, we will be able to figure out at least part of the mystery that is our universe.
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