@Little lunch
-Perhaps it would be easier Baqal if you say what you think is right about it. :-)
I think it is okay because relationships should be based on people who form it, and not what society has to say about them. If a child sincerely loves an adult, and if this adult sincerely loves that child, I do not see anything wrong. But, if an adult forces a child into sexual intercourse or vice versa, then I, of course, say "no" to that.
@A Theist
-There's plenty wrong with Pedophilia. Escpecially when dirty old men force themselves on young children for sexual gratification. That's why pedophiles are sent to prison.
As I've said earlier, pedophilia does not necessarily have to apply to rape scenarios. All rapists, regardless of their sexuality, are sent to prison.
-Perhaps it would be easier Baqal if you say what you think is right about it. :-)
I think it is okay because relationships should be based on people who form it, and not what society has to say about them. If a child sincerely loves an adult, and if this adult sincerely loves that child, I do not see anything wrong. But, if an adult forces a child into sexual intercourse or vice versa, then I, of course, say "no" to that.
@A Theist
-There's plenty wrong with Pedophilia. Escpecially when dirty old men force themselves on young children for sexual gratification. That's why pedophiles are sent to prison.
As I've said earlier, pedophilia does not necessarily have to apply to rape scenarios. All rapists, regardless of their sexuality, are sent to prison.