I could concider to wear Mjölner (the hammer of Tor) if it wherent (sometimes) associted with nazism here in Sweden.
Anyway why wearing a crucifix if didnt mean anything to you? The people could wear a davidstar, a muslim halfmoon or someother religious symbol.
I wouldnt wear it, I wouldnt wear a necklace of any sort. I dont think men should have necklaces, I find it female-like. But it depends what kind of necklace.
Anyway why wearing a crucifix if didnt mean anything to you? The people could wear a davidstar, a muslim halfmoon or someother religious symbol.
I wouldnt wear it, I wouldnt wear a necklace of any sort. I dont think men should have necklaces, I find it female-like. But it depends what kind of necklace.