"So I think's hereditary not with a specific genetic agent."
If I may repeat Eilo, this is a silly thing to say. I point out again that I think you're misunderstanding biology. Something that is hereditary absolutely HAS to be genetic. There is no other thing for traits that are passed on before birth can be. If a predisposition for addictive behavior is passed onto me by my father, and it is not the same as him teaching me english, where does it exist if not in genetic code?
Explain to me, if you could, how Alcoholism can be hereditary, without being genetic. What is being passed on if not genetics? And if it is real and genetic (or at the very least hereditary), how come it's not a disease but still a big scam?
Frodo is right on the money. That people may have a predisposition to be more affected my addictive behavior, and knowing so helps them try harder to avoid such pitfalls.
I also repeat, to anyone who thinks it is not real, not a disease, I envy you naivety.
If I may repeat Eilo, this is a silly thing to say. I point out again that I think you're misunderstanding biology. Something that is hereditary absolutely HAS to be genetic. There is no other thing for traits that are passed on before birth can be. If a predisposition for addictive behavior is passed onto me by my father, and it is not the same as him teaching me english, where does it exist if not in genetic code?
Explain to me, if you could, how Alcoholism can be hereditary, without being genetic. What is being passed on if not genetics? And if it is real and genetic (or at the very least hereditary), how come it's not a disease but still a big scam?
Frodo is right on the money. That people may have a predisposition to be more affected my addictive behavior, and knowing so helps them try harder to avoid such pitfalls.
I also repeat, to anyone who thinks it is not real, not a disease, I envy you naivety.