As tends to be the case with Bill Maher, I both agree and disagree with him. Yes, the kind of stuff that goes on in these Islamic theocracies is pretty unreal. That such actions as genital mutilation and "honor" killings should be be routine in these places is deeply disturbing. It's wrong and there is nothing relativistic about it. I see nothing there to be PC about. It isn't OK that people be treated like that just because that is what happens in their culture, and we shouldn't judge. Bullshit. Wrong is wrong. The rest of the planet is living in the twenty first century, they need to do so also.
But there isn't a lot about it that we can do of a practical nature. If people are going to insist on living with these barbaric ancient values, what can other nations really do about it? They can have whatever laws they want. And in the backwater tribal areas people are going to do as they always have until they themselves decide different. We can get outraged all we want, but I rather think that they could not care any less.
Some of the PC stuff he mentioned was a bit much, but you will always have those who try too hard I suppose. But such issues as getting served by this or that business? Yes, that does count. Used to be in this country once you could not get served a cup of coffee in this country if your skin was the wrong color. It took a quite a lot of doing to get that changed. The LGBT community should not have to settle for second class status in this society. Maher should not belittle that. Those are our issues, fortunately we live in a country that does not have the problems of "honor" killings and genital mutilation others do. Does that mean we should not address what issues we do have? I don't think he'd want us to. They are real, and they do matter, and they are ours so we can actually address them.
But there isn't a lot about it that we can do of a practical nature. If people are going to insist on living with these barbaric ancient values, what can other nations really do about it? They can have whatever laws they want. And in the backwater tribal areas people are going to do as they always have until they themselves decide different. We can get outraged all we want, but I rather think that they could not care any less.
Some of the PC stuff he mentioned was a bit much, but you will always have those who try too hard I suppose. But such issues as getting served by this or that business? Yes, that does count. Used to be in this country once you could not get served a cup of coffee in this country if your skin was the wrong color. It took a quite a lot of doing to get that changed. The LGBT community should not have to settle for second class status in this society. Maher should not belittle that. Those are our issues, fortunately we live in a country that does not have the problems of "honor" killings and genital mutilation others do. Does that mean we should not address what issues we do have? I don't think he'd want us to. They are real, and they do matter, and they are ours so we can actually address them.
“To terrify children with the image of hell, to consider women an inferior creation—is that good for the world?”
― Christopher Hitchens
"That fear first created the gods is perhaps as true as anything so brief could be on so great a subject". - George Santayana
"If this is the best God can do, I'm not impressed". - George Carlin
― Christopher Hitchens
"That fear first created the gods is perhaps as true as anything so brief could be on so great a subject". - George Santayana
"If this is the best God can do, I'm not impressed". - George Carlin