What sickens me to no end, is the constant phrase use by Creationist of; "Most Scientist says", "Most Scientist have concluded", Vast Majority of the greatest Scientist" etc. etc. etc.
It doesn't sicken me of it's personal use within themselves believing such nonsense or even when talking to other people who believe the same ignorance.
It's that they preach this shit to kids, along with, trying to put this same bullshit within school text books.
I'll step off my soap box for now, because I know it will lead to me posting paragraphs and paragraphs...
It doesn't sicken me of it's personal use within themselves believing such nonsense or even when talking to other people who believe the same ignorance.
It's that they preach this shit to kids, along with, trying to put this same bullshit within school text books.
I'll step off my soap box for now, because I know it will lead to me posting paragraphs and paragraphs...

Intelligence is the only true moral guide...