(October 12, 2014 at 12:27 pm)Brian37 Wrote: Well I in that rightful statement we should also as atheist not delude ourselves in trying to attempt a godless utopia ourselves. I also warn atheists not to say "when we become a majority we will treat you better".
NO, even "atheist" is merely a position, not a moral code. I know atheists who want more insane tax cuts and deregulation which is nothing more than masturbating over the sweat shop slave wage mentality of India and China. I know other atheists who'd love to pull a Che revolution and set up Cuba. Neither appeal to me.
Religion is like a volcano, all religions, you cannot get rid of them, but you should not take your eyes off of them either. There are simply more dormant religions, for example, in the secular west because of the leash on it, and more active volcanos, such as far too much of the middle east has in dealing with Islam.
Times change over time and power shifts, that is why it is important to insist on common law and anti monopoly concepts.
Again, we are on the same page. I'm not a utopian, and I know that there is nothing prescriptive about atheism. I also disdain the polar extremes of Ayn and Che, but these are positions staked out by others in addition to their beliefs or lack thereof concerning gods.