It is all eyes on ads.
To be recognized by the important persons in entertainment (the ad buyers) a performer must distinguish him or herself from their competition. The means by which they do so is often not material to the motives of the decision makers (those with the cash.) It doesn't matter much what they say, just so long as they can attract attention. I see a selective process based on the -No publicity is bad publicity- principle and commonly called 'edgy.' The result of this mechanism is that entertainers play chicken with their material, seeing who can be the most outrageous. Very occasionally someone will offend the sensibilities of their audience enough and be suppressed by the mob. But it is difficult to underestimate the taste of the American public.
I think it capitalizes on our novelty seeking tendencies.
To be recognized by the important persons in entertainment (the ad buyers) a performer must distinguish him or herself from their competition. The means by which they do so is often not material to the motives of the decision makers (those with the cash.) It doesn't matter much what they say, just so long as they can attract attention. I see a selective process based on the -No publicity is bad publicity- principle and commonly called 'edgy.' The result of this mechanism is that entertainers play chicken with their material, seeing who can be the most outrageous. Very occasionally someone will offend the sensibilities of their audience enough and be suppressed by the mob. But it is difficult to underestimate the taste of the American public.
I think it capitalizes on our novelty seeking tendencies.
So how, exactly, does God know that She's NOT a brain in a vat?