(December 11, 2014 at 6:36 am)Riketto Wrote: I only got few minutes before i have to go so i will only answer the last question and leave the rest for tomorrow.
When you say.................It doesn't matter how many people follow exactly what Buddha says. The Buddhist religion says the ultimate goal is to rid oneself of wants. It's all internally focused. So your imaginary seperation between spiritualism is internal and religion is external is bullshit................is not the Buddhist religion that say this.
Buddha has really nothing to do with religion.
Buddha teach spirituality not religion so it is Buddha spiritual message that say that not Buddhism religion that came later.
Religion is all about worship while spirituality is all about self knowledge which eventually lead to God realization.
Those who practice only yoga exercises have really nothing to do with not only spirituality but even with religion because as i just said religion imply worship.
There is no worship in asanas or yoga exercises so these people have nothing to do with either spirituality or religion while 99% of the so called Buddhism follow religion and have nothing to do with spirituality.
I have already address this. The difference between spirituality and religion is NOT interval vs external focus. The difference is touchy-feely bullshit vs organized-written bullshit. Nothing is preventing spiritualist from worshipping Gaia, and nothing is preventing religion on focusing the betterment of themselves.
Christians that don't follow all the rules in their holy book do not stop being Christians. Buddhist that don't adhere to everything in their doctrine do not stop being Buddhist. Yoga praticiners that don't adhere to everything in yoga do not stop being yoga praccticiners. So please that your marriage of the appeal-to-population falacy and no-true-scotsman falacy and throw it away. Falacies only convince the ignorant.