When O made his half hour infomercial, the people I hang with were looking for something notable to occur on that date.
They had back calculated 7 biblical years from 2015 day of Atonement (don't remember why) and after O's TV promise on that day, one of them said,"Was this the covenant of Daniel?"
The covenant where traditionally, we have been taught it would be between the AC and Israel.
In looking at Daniel, there is no mention of a peace treaty or Israel for that matter.
It says a covenant with many (Many= a great number).
The number of people reportedly who watched was 33 million - a high number in the occult.
The covenant was agreed to by the election results.
Once that fell into place, and the numbers associated with O, it was obvious the traditional interpretation of Daniel was wrong and it was fulfilled right in our face and no one knew it.
Now the connection to me:
I have been saying to friends and foe, the warning, that O is the AC since the '08 election.
I believe my birthday, anniversary work hire date, and work clock number being the gematria of O is an indicator- a confirmation to me of my position as an appointed watchman to alert the sleeping Church and anyone who will listen that the enemy is at the gate and will enter the city.
Some of my friends were "Awakened" within the last couple of years about where we are.
There has never been a time for me when I was not "Watching" in 4 decades.
This is what I was cut out to do.
It is not really a choice I made.
it is like a passion that flows thru me.
They had back calculated 7 biblical years from 2015 day of Atonement (don't remember why) and after O's TV promise on that day, one of them said,"Was this the covenant of Daniel?"
The covenant where traditionally, we have been taught it would be between the AC and Israel.
In looking at Daniel, there is no mention of a peace treaty or Israel for that matter.
It says a covenant with many (Many= a great number).
The number of people reportedly who watched was 33 million - a high number in the occult.
The covenant was agreed to by the election results.
Once that fell into place, and the numbers associated with O, it was obvious the traditional interpretation of Daniel was wrong and it was fulfilled right in our face and no one knew it.
Now the connection to me:
I have been saying to friends and foe, the warning, that O is the AC since the '08 election.
I believe my birthday, anniversary work hire date, and work clock number being the gematria of O is an indicator- a confirmation to me of my position as an appointed watchman to alert the sleeping Church and anyone who will listen that the enemy is at the gate and will enter the city.
Some of my friends were "Awakened" within the last couple of years about where we are.
There has never been a time for me when I was not "Watching" in 4 decades.
This is what I was cut out to do.
It is not really a choice I made.
it is like a passion that flows thru me.