(December 20, 2014 at 10:30 am)Riketto Wrote:There is no such thing as "real" definitions. There are only definitions.(December 18, 2014 at 9:32 pm)Surgenator Wrote: Sorry, but the definitions don't agree with your descriptions.Sorry, but real definitions can only be given by someone involved in a practical way in that particular study of that particular item.
Anybody can define how a system works according to his-her own way of perceiving things.
Most of definitions come from people that perceive in a theoretical way.
Very rarely in a practical way that is why you got to be extra careful before you put your ok. on a particular definition.
Quote:That is just plainly wrong. A drunk person is generally happier than a sober one. The sober one has a more realistic view of reality.Quote:What results? How do you know the results aren't placebo? How do you know you didn't become delusional?Delusional involve being sad and perceive a sense of worthless.
Good results give the opposite feeling.
Quote:Oh, I'm the delusional one, and lifes a game now. Please amuse me with your "more consciousness" logic on how this is so.Quote:So, I first have to believe the spirit world exist before I can get the evidence for it? Thats delusional.You must have a problem with your delusion surgen.
Being so defeatist doesn't take you anywhere.
It would be too easy to tell you that in a particular place there is a nugget of gold.
The game would be over well before it start.
The rule of the game is that you got to struggle to get there so in the meantime you achieve more and more consciousness.
Quote:Quote:Pointing out your lazy reasoning shows you prioritize your happy feelings for truth. Then you follow up with non sequitur, something to do with "two places at once."Love is truth.
Have you ever seen a murderer full of love?

Quote:Your statement didn't have anything to comment on. It was pure bullshit, and I called it such.Quote:Bullshit.When you say bullshit you make a statement.
Making a statement without backing it up with evidence that is a real bullshit.
Quote:Reasoning without having practical evidence is a claim.Reasoning based on presented evidence is not a claim. That is called thinking.
On the contrary a claim based on practical work is not a claim.
Quote:Could it be that you don't understand my point.Quote:Easy, both are partically right and wrong.Unfortunately it is you that haven't got the point.
Your response has nothing to do with my point.
It is not the temporary truth that is the real truth.
It is the ultimate and permanent truth that is the real truth.

FYI, truth is truth. There is no temporary truth or ultimate truth.
Quote:Because there is no reincarnation. A baby cannot have commited a crime that is paying for.Quote:No, it's has nothing to do with karma. A person doesn't determine which environment (good or bad) he is born into.You are making a claim surgen.
And your evidence is......?
Quote:Thousands of those who experienced NDEs say very clearly that when the brain stop functioning the consciousness take over so this tell us that Sacks keep on masturbating his brains thinking that NDE are bullshit.
This idiot and his followers keep on making claims after claims without understanding that even without brain activity you can perceive the reality.

Quote:So he has to accept the conclusion before the conclusion can be proven to him. Thanks for clarifing that you want us to accept pseudoscience philosophy.Quote:So Sherman have to first accept the conclusion before they can prove the conclusion. There is a difference between leading the evidence and the evidence leading you. The former is what pseudoscientist do. The latter is what real scientist do.All Sherman got to do is to get deeper into consciousness before he can make claim about consciousness.
Is this so complicate to understand?
Quote:I know that the pituitary gland exist. I just don't believe you on the function you claim it has. This is the function that I got from the first medical site I got. It mentions nothing about spirits. Also, science changes over time with better information. So "since the beginning" means nothing in a scientific standpoint. For an example, science believed that everything is made out of four things: earth, fire, wind, and water since the beginning. It doesn't anymore.Quote:There you go again, indirectly claiming something that doesn't necessary follow or true. Before I make any further assumptions, please explain to me what you think the significance of the pineal gland.If i would tell you that since the very beginning of intuitional science practices people believe in the role of the pineal gland as the access to the spiritual world all this wouldn't make any sense to you.
If i also would tell you that the pineal gland is located at the very top of the spinal column and control all the other glands also this wouldn't make any sense to you.
I could tell you a book full of claims but claims in this instance can only be demonstrate when you activate your hidden subconscious and as i already said i can not do this for you so in the meantime you will have to wait thinking again that it is all a load of bullshit.
Finally, the people who born without a pituitary gland or a malfunctioning one are spiritless? It's funny how they can function perfectly fine with proper medication. The medication is for hormone production that the gland would normally do.

Quote:If that is the case, you should elaborate.Quote:Avoiding the question I see. Personally, I don't care if you don't answer my other questions, but these importants ones I would prefer to focus on.There is a difference between thinking that i did not answer the question and not understanding the answer.
The latter relate more to your problem.