(December 22, 2014 at 1:47 pm)Surgenator Wrote: Tomorrow, you use a different word. Definitions change only when the overwhelming majority use the word in a differently. They do not change because you want them to change.
Is not the majority that change the course of history.
If we relay on the majority we would be all dead by now.
All the great inventions and changes in ways of life came by individuals that often had to go against the mainstream that is why we should always keep our ears open for what make more sense rather that rely on the established definition.

Quote:Yes, feelings are deceptive. That is why I don't accept your feelings on the topics as evidence.
So you already know that a feeling is no evidence.
How do you know that?
So if somebody tell you that he-she is in love with somebody you dismiss that just because it is a feeling even before you get any evidence on the contrary?
Very smart surgen.

Quote:Does your "more consciousness" logic comes from fortune cookies?
Merry Christmas and happy new year.

Quote:After few weeks of talking, I still have to see any of your evidence for afterlifes, spirits, god, etc... You still think because I reject your claims, then I have the prove you wrong. You fail at logic my friend.
After hundred years i still haven't seen any evidence that a nugget of gold can be found anywhere.
I have heard many people who said that it can be found but until i found myself i will not believe anyone.
Oh, i forgot to mention that i never bother to find it but i still believe that can not be found.
Silly of me.

Quote:If I slept in on December 21st, 2015, I still slept in on December 21st, 2015 no matter how much time has passed. It doesn't require anyone to witness it or remember it to be still be true.
Suppose your mind wonder around and start thinking about an elephant.
The elephant is an illusion that your mind created so an illusion can not possibly be real and think that he is the truth.
You see yourself as the creator of that illusion so you are the ultimate truth but this is wrong as somebody create you so you are the illusion of an illusion and therefore you are not in a position to dictate what the truth is but again this is my personal opinion and you are free to believe the opposite.
Quote:I provided a logical argument based on observed data on why reincarnation is bullshit. You didn't address the argument. So it was reasonable to assume you couldn't find any fault with it. If you are ignorant of my argument because you didn't read it, (which is very likely) then it is not my fault but yours.
I already explained that your logic is not logic at all.
Without justice nothing make any sense at all.
Consciousness is something that doesn't fall from the sky.
Everything in life must be conquer.
Fortune and misfortune are not casual.
But again you are free to believe that everything is casual.
Quote:You missed the point. They cannot claim that consciousness takes over is the brain is off until they check that the brain is off. They didn't do a proper check, hense the skepticism.
You call......SKEPTICISM?
Sacks debunks that NDEs allow to see God and that is a lot more than SKEPTICISM.
Quote:Sherman is not a researcher, nor does he have to repeat an experiment to be skeptical of one. Pointing out flaws in an experiment is very common and encouraged in the scientific community. The only place it is not encourage is the pseudoscience community.
Gee, i need a translator to understand what you try to tell!

Quote:The other major point you can't understand is that evidence for something doesn't change on a person's prior beliefs. For example, ibuprofen has been shown to be a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Using ibprofen for a headache works whether or not you think it. Your whole argument here is that the evidence would change if he just believed in the conclusion.
In most cases it would but only temporary.
Unless you are a total idiot your brain would later on discover the trick and would react accordingly.
Quote:Please observe the scientific method and explain how the verification stage would be done in "intuitional science."
If you read my previous post in which i reply to rasu you would have the answer.
The sun is there all the time but if there are clouds on the sky you can not possibly see it shining.
The same thing happen with the pineal gland.
This gland allow the divine flow but if the gland is dirty you can not possibly perceive this divine flow so it is all about cleaning this gland by practicing intuitional science.
Quote:What makes you think consciousness cannot be detected by physical means? It is NOT a fact "that the third eye is there." That has to be shown, not just claimed.
When you need a plumber to fix your water pipes you call a plumber not an electrician or a carpenter.
In the same way when you want to deal with spirituality you work on the gland that relate to the spiritual world not the physical world.
As in the army there is a hierarchy of command.
The general is in charge and everybody else will have to act according to his command.
Physical science can possibly understand what spirituality is all about until it grows in consciousness and this is only possible by practicing spirituality or intuitional science.