I like your last paragraph:
I wouldn't call myself anti-theist, but it's hard to argue with your reasoning.
Quote:As a militant anti-theist, I find absolutely no truth or relevance to religion, the bible, or the theistic god I view as purely non-existent. I will not apologize for the way I post in relation to theism and toward theists. Theism is a veritable plague that needs to be brought to the point where it no longer has any relevance in society, because even I know wiping it out completely is an impossibility, and the way I post will continue to reflect my abhorrence for that which is a veritable disease upon humanity. Theism stopped having any relevance when we began to reason. To cling to primitive ideas is unreasonable and merely aids in delusion. There is no good that theism can provide that cannot be found through secularism, and what good theism does profess to possess is never truly good at all.
I wouldn't call myself anti-theist, but it's hard to argue with your reasoning.