To me, whether or not there is a God is irrelevant. Because even if there is a God, the possibilities are endless.
it could be that there are several gods, it could be that there is one but he is evil, maybe the greeks were right. Maybe there are Gods but they do not know that we exist, or do not care, perhaps the universe centers around some other living creatures in some distant planet, and we were an accident. maybe the dogs are the main creatures, and we are just kinda here as the antagonists... Maybe there is a God, but there is no afterlife, maybe there is a God and we all go to hell regardless etc... (ENDLESS possibilities)
Now, given these endless possibilities, every individual religion has about as much odds as being the one true religion as me stumbling upon a billion dollars on the street randomly. Islam is not true because the prophet with endless wisdom had sex with a 9 year, that's a veto right there. Christianity is not accurate because they have 50+ bibles written 50 to 100 years after the supposed fact, and no official historic evidence back it up what so ever.
So rather than considering all that and spending my life trying to overthink something I will never have an answer to, why not just follow Common sense and science. Establish and live by morals that are good by international and common sense standards, then if any religion is true, I can still die satisfied with my life. I will have no problem looking the islamic God in the eye, giving him the finger, and telling him I would rather go to hell than live in a heaven full of pedophiles and terrorists. I will not have any problem looking the christian God in the eye and ask him why he sent us a load of crap as stories instead of just telling people who he was without bread crums and bullshit. Etc..
Just be good, the rest is irrelevant.
it could be that there are several gods, it could be that there is one but he is evil, maybe the greeks were right. Maybe there are Gods but they do not know that we exist, or do not care, perhaps the universe centers around some other living creatures in some distant planet, and we were an accident. maybe the dogs are the main creatures, and we are just kinda here as the antagonists... Maybe there is a God, but there is no afterlife, maybe there is a God and we all go to hell regardless etc... (ENDLESS possibilities)
Now, given these endless possibilities, every individual religion has about as much odds as being the one true religion as me stumbling upon a billion dollars on the street randomly. Islam is not true because the prophet with endless wisdom had sex with a 9 year, that's a veto right there. Christianity is not accurate because they have 50+ bibles written 50 to 100 years after the supposed fact, and no official historic evidence back it up what so ever.
So rather than considering all that and spending my life trying to overthink something I will never have an answer to, why not just follow Common sense and science. Establish and live by morals that are good by international and common sense standards, then if any religion is true, I can still die satisfied with my life. I will have no problem looking the islamic God in the eye, giving him the finger, and telling him I would rather go to hell than live in a heaven full of pedophiles and terrorists. I will not have any problem looking the christian God in the eye and ask him why he sent us a load of crap as stories instead of just telling people who he was without bread crums and bullshit. Etc..
Just be good, the rest is irrelevant.