(August 5, 2010 at 6:19 pm)Tiberius Wrote: How do you do?
Quite well. I bit no bullets and I managed to get a TPM medal of honour (<-- you can tell it's a british-made test ) so I suppose that means I didn't contradict myself in the answers I gave.
That was a neat test. Thanks for introducing it, Adrian.
•487926 people have completed this activity to date.
•You suffered zero direct hits and bit zero bullets.
•This compares with the average player of this activity to date who takes 1.38 hits and bites 1.10 bullets.
•7.95% of the people who have completed this activity, like you, emerged unscathed with the TPM Medal of Honour.
•45.86% of the people who have completed this activity took very little damage and were awarded the TPM Medal of Distinction.