Darling, you have not offended me in the least. I've been giggling at your posts as I read them. I find them amusing.
My point was that you have come out swinging with an attitude that you will not respond based on silly stereotypes. I don't care if you make claims like "Atheists just hate the church" as long as you actually respond when challenged. We've already banned theists for insisting they can spew out garbage and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "lalalala, I can't hear you, you're an atheist, you obviously have no logic and hate meeeee."
This is exactly what you're doing, right here, right now. My first post was a warning to let you know we don't tolerate that shit, and if you want to last, then check that attitude at the door.
Fr0d0 and Tackattack have been here for some time because while they disagree they don't make terrible overly generalized and ridiculous statements about atheists and they respond to points honestly when they argue instead of running to another thread to stick their head in the sand. Obviously you can't respond to every person here, our atheists tend to dogpile, but at least an honest effort to discuss things makes you totes okay.
But that's not what you're doing. You've come here with this "I'm controversial, and because of that everyone is gonna hate me" when really we are calling you out for basically saying, "I came to talk to atheists, but I won't talk to atheists." You've put on this little tough guy attitude but are butthurt because we won't play your game.
Sorry buddy, this is an atheist forum, and while we welcome theists, it's our game and if you don't want to play you don't get to stay.
My point was that you have come out swinging with an attitude that you will not respond based on silly stereotypes. I don't care if you make claims like "Atheists just hate the church" as long as you actually respond when challenged. We've already banned theists for insisting they can spew out garbage and then stick their fingers in their ears and go "lalalala, I can't hear you, you're an atheist, you obviously have no logic and hate meeeee."
This is exactly what you're doing, right here, right now. My first post was a warning to let you know we don't tolerate that shit, and if you want to last, then check that attitude at the door.
Fr0d0 and Tackattack have been here for some time because while they disagree they don't make terrible overly generalized and ridiculous statements about atheists and they respond to points honestly when they argue instead of running to another thread to stick their head in the sand. Obviously you can't respond to every person here, our atheists tend to dogpile, but at least an honest effort to discuss things makes you totes okay.
But that's not what you're doing. You've come here with this "I'm controversial, and because of that everyone is gonna hate me" when really we are calling you out for basically saying, "I came to talk to atheists, but I won't talk to atheists." You've put on this little tough guy attitude but are butthurt because we won't play your game.
Sorry buddy, this is an atheist forum, and while we welcome theists, it's our game and if you don't want to play you don't get to stay.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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