FNM I think your analysis is pretty much the conclusion of most people who play it.
'An average game that should have been great.' Bungie and Activision have played destiny in a similar way to EA - DLCs. The game never felt completed, and it still doesn't even with £40+ worth of DLC. I remember listening to that Angry Joe reviewer or whatever his name is where he said that interactions with meaningless characters like the Queen are there purely for one purpose - to give a (sort of) back story for DLC. And what should happen next?
I dunno man, I just dunno. Is have to rate it average at best. Add me on PSN if you want man - U_Forgot_Poland
'An average game that should have been great.' Bungie and Activision have played destiny in a similar way to EA - DLCs. The game never felt completed, and it still doesn't even with £40+ worth of DLC. I remember listening to that Angry Joe reviewer or whatever his name is where he said that interactions with meaningless characters like the Queen are there purely for one purpose - to give a (sort of) back story for DLC. And what should happen next?
I dunno man, I just dunno. Is have to rate it average at best. Add me on PSN if you want man - U_Forgot_Poland