Yes it is. Again, people want to believe there were other people because a sucker punch like that being caught with your security down is embarrassing. It is the same rush to judgment gap filling that causes people come up with all sorts of conspiracy crap. The mundane is not as sexy. Oswald was a disturbed man, his civilian bosses said so, his family said so, the U.S. military said so and the Soviets rebuffed him as well.
Again, if Reagan had died his supporters would have concocted the same types of things, claiming liberal rivals, mafia, foreign governments. Reagan had enemies too. Everyone accepts Hinkley acted lone.
There was a diverse congress investigating JFK. There was a diverse CIA and FBI and Secret Service at the time. Just like there was a diverse government who found the 19 hijackers and traced the crime back to Bin Laden. To swallow any conspiracy crap after the DIVERSE Warren commission and DIVERSE investigators local and national, is to claim thousands of individuals were in on the cover up. BULL SHIT, and just as bad as claiming Jews or Bush planted explosives in the towers. If there had been someone helping Oswald the government would NOT have covered that up.
Again, if Reagan had died his supporters would have concocted the same types of things, claiming liberal rivals, mafia, foreign governments. Reagan had enemies too. Everyone accepts Hinkley acted lone.
There was a diverse congress investigating JFK. There was a diverse CIA and FBI and Secret Service at the time. Just like there was a diverse government who found the 19 hijackers and traced the crime back to Bin Laden. To swallow any conspiracy crap after the DIVERSE Warren commission and DIVERSE investigators local and national, is to claim thousands of individuals were in on the cover up. BULL SHIT, and just as bad as claiming Jews or Bush planted explosives in the towers. If there had been someone helping Oswald the government would NOT have covered that up.