Quote:Will somebody please tell me where in the Constitution it states that there shall be freedom FROM religion? I don't get it. The Constitution simply states that Congress shall establish no State religion.
Section 116 is accepted as giving that freedom.
Oh,do you mean the AMERICAN constitution? I quoted the Australian constitution,and UK doesn't actually have a convenient single document known as "The Constitution".
My understanding is that freedom FROM religion has long been established in the US via constitutional lawyers and the US supreme court.
The argument that a freedom simply doesn't exist because it is not specifically mentioned in the constitution is a little fatuous. EG as far as I know the US constitution makes no mention of the right own semi automatic weapons,only" the right to bear arms" .(Second Amendment,1791)
Quote: What makes me angry, you may ask? Ignorance, obstinance and stupidity. Obstinance most of all, because stupidity can't be helped and ignorance can be cured.
Considering what follows,I find it hilarious that you seem to have written that statement without a hint irony.