Starship Troopers, (part one only) directed by Paul Verhoeven. A greatly underestimated film, ST is a cunning satire of fascism. ST part 2 is a third rate remake of 'Lost Patrol'. ST 3 is acceptable ,but still does not approach the first. (except for one element;the use of religion as a cynical means of social control)
Paul Verhoeven has made some excellent films,including Total Recall and the WW2 melodrama "Black Book",the most expensive and successful Dutch film made to date..Available on DVD
Another favourite,which I've seen many times, is "Zulu" the somewhat fanciful account of The Battle Of Rorke's Drift, Natal, South Africa,1876. That battle resulted in the highest number of Victoria Crosses(like the US Medal Of Honour,but much rarer) ever awarded in a single engagement; ELEVEN. Available on DVD
Paul Verhoeven has made some excellent films,including Total Recall and the WW2 melodrama "Black Book",the most expensive and successful Dutch film made to date..Available on DVD
Another favourite,which I've seen many times, is "Zulu" the somewhat fanciful account of The Battle Of Rorke's Drift, Natal, South Africa,1876. That battle resulted in the highest number of Victoria Crosses(like the US Medal Of Honour,but much rarer) ever awarded in a single engagement; ELEVEN. Available on DVD