Agruing over numbers of deaths is moot to me. It does not change that Hitler DID scapegoat Jews. But he also caused the death of 50 million humans civilian and soldier worldwide because of his chase after a utopia trying to bring Germany to a new glory day.
But accepting that innocent Jews were murdered does not mean what Jews in Israel taking land that did not belong to them is any different than what Europeans did to Native Americans. The lesson of the Holocaust is not pro Jew, it is a lesson like Native Americans and black slavery. It is all a lesson on what not to do to our fellow humans.
But I am sick of the big three dodging the elephant in the room pretending it is race or culture or national, IT IS FUCKING RELIGION. You can only argue that some don't view it that way, but enough DO in all three think a holy book makes them special and gives them special land rights because their god told them so. It doesn't take all of them to view it that way, but just enough to hold the rest of their respective populations hostage.
You don't find peace or solve problems by ignoring the root cause. None of the three should expect to wipe out the other. But it still does not change that there are just enough in all three that think a god gave them special rights to set up social pecking orders. You will not manage differences better until that is accepted as the root cause.
But accepting that innocent Jews were murdered does not mean what Jews in Israel taking land that did not belong to them is any different than what Europeans did to Native Americans. The lesson of the Holocaust is not pro Jew, it is a lesson like Native Americans and black slavery. It is all a lesson on what not to do to our fellow humans.
But I am sick of the big three dodging the elephant in the room pretending it is race or culture or national, IT IS FUCKING RELIGION. You can only argue that some don't view it that way, but enough DO in all three think a holy book makes them special and gives them special land rights because their god told them so. It doesn't take all of them to view it that way, but just enough to hold the rest of their respective populations hostage.
You don't find peace or solve problems by ignoring the root cause. None of the three should expect to wipe out the other. But it still does not change that there are just enough in all three that think a god gave them special rights to set up social pecking orders. You will not manage differences better until that is accepted as the root cause.