Would it be possible to request for a minisig to be made that was like a flying teapotist one?
Like to say "Tpotism" or just "Tpot" or something. Or the full "Celestial Teapotism".
And then a picture of a teapot or an orbiting teapot etc.
Or an "Orbital teapot"!
Would that be possible? I'd love that!
And maybe we should have an IPU one too?
If not that's fine!
P.S: I am of course talking about Russell's Teapot.
Like to say "Tpotism" or just "Tpot" or something. Or the full "Celestial Teapotism".
And then a picture of a teapot or an orbiting teapot etc.
Or an "Orbital teapot"!
Would that be possible? I'd love that!
And maybe we should have an IPU one too?
If not that's fine!
P.S: I am of course talking about Russell's Teapot.