Quote:Trick question based on a fallacious statement of mine - it's actually completely irrelevant not one scholar has produced proof of anything like one Jesus H. Christ of Bible fame.
No bones, no dental records, no written records, no journalistic records, no credible eye witness accounts, nothing.
Sigh, there were written records, you and a minority of scholars disgree with them.
I would like some proof that Socrates was a real man. Some solid evidence please...
Quote:And if you're not skeptical enough, you simply become a gullible lout who believes in honest politicians, moral lawyers, FOX news as a balanced and trustworthy news organization, that you can get that million dollars if you just send that nigerian prince a few thousand of your own dollars, and creationism.
Each person in the world is going to set their limits to whatever limit they think is reasonable and logical. The problem with religion in this regard is that it is neither but otherwise reasonable and logical people accept it as such anyway because, as one poster around here put it, mankind is not so much a rational animal as a rationalizing one.
You are using the common slipperly slope fallacy here...
Quote:These places are the way they are precisely because religion and church took over.
Quote:Science got it's bearings and skyrocketed in prominance "coincidently" at the same times that people figured out that secular governments work better than theocracies or when there was no religion at all (the invention of language arrived before any organized religion - as such, by default, science came before religion.)
You claimed that I made and religion made large assumptions, we dont know how language 'evolved' so becareful mate.
Modern Science owes it existence to Christian Scientists. Period.
Quote:All religions make claims that are completely lacking in both empirical evidence-based support and sometimes even logic and good reasoning.
By default, a theist is already making a claim to have answers about which no human could possible know.
There is no empirical evidence to say that God does exist, there would be no faith then! As Kierkegaard points out:
“But the above definition of truth is an equivalent expression for faith. Without risk there is no faith. Faith is precisely the contradiction between the infinite passion of the individual’s inwardness and the objective uncertainty. If I am capable of grasping God objectively, I do not believe; but precisely because I can not do this I must believe. If I wish to preserve myself in faith, I must constantly be intent on holding fast the objective uncertainty, so as to remain out upon the deep, over seventy thousand fathoms of water, still preserving my faith.”
Quote:That's not entirely true either. Science can give actual answers and has even already provided some. We know things about the universe when the bible tells us that light existed before the sun and stars, the earth is surrounded by a dome that, when cracked, caused Noah's flood. It tells us to believe in God's magic (aka miracles) and to do exactly as he tells us or he'll murder us all - in some cases, horrifically as well as sadistically (he turned one man's wife into a pillar of salt).
Religion has fought science at every step and every discovery.
Your wrong. Religion has coflicted with science, however, science conflicted with itself. Did you know that human anatomy went unchallenged for 1300 years, it was only until a CHRISTIAN medical student decided to do autopsies on dead people, did he discover a completely different anatomy and it wasnt even taken seriously! (to start off). Louis Pasteur, another CHRISTIAN, developed vaccines and disporved spontainous generation. Who believed in Spontainous generation? SCIENCEITSTS!
Come on mate! You cant use this ridiculous argument. Science strangled itself. It was only until courageous men and women (Mostly Christian) who challenged science, did we get new theories and understanding of the world...
Quote:That alone, however primative, is far more than anything religion has provided in this regard.
Max Planck (Founder of Quantum Physics)
Erwin Schrodinger (Another founder of Quantum Physics)
Werner Heisenberg (Contributed greatly to Quantum Mechanics)
Robert Millikan (Won a Nobel prize in Physics)
Charles Hard Townes (Well known for his work with lasers and Physics)
Arthur Compton (Discovered the compton effect)
Arno Allan Penzias (Discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation)
I think you get the picture

Quote:How do you figure?
The majority of the world doesnt believe in evolution, doest that make it wrong???
Its ok to have doubt, just dont let that doubt become the answers.
You dont hate God, you hate the church game.
"God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed." Saint Augustine
Your mind works very simply: you are either trying to find out what are God's laws in order to follow them; or you are trying to outsmart Him. -Martin H. Fischer
You dont hate God, you hate the church game.
"God is not what you imagine or what you think you understand. If you understand you have failed." Saint Augustine
Your mind works very simply: you are either trying to find out what are God's laws in order to follow them; or you are trying to outsmart Him. -Martin H. Fischer