(June 8, 2015 at 7:03 am)Rhythm Wrote:(June 7, 2015 at 11:34 pm)nicanica123 Wrote: Well I can tell you until I am blue in the face that you're wrong about certain assessments but you're not going to be rational in your replies. If by definition witnesses are polytheist, that doesn't make a difference to me. The scriptures clearly state that God created Jesus. And the two created everything else 1 Corinthians 1:15,16. Jehovah is god almighty and Jesus is his only begotten son. The absolute closest thing that we would ever have to a resemblance of God.Nor does it make a difference to me. You certainly don't have to spend anytime convincing me one way or the other, and it's pointless to continue saying "you're wrong" and "you're being illogical" - because A: I'm not, and B..you would have to show that, not claim it - and you simply can't. 1+1=2, and that's that, I'm afraid. I find it interesting not because I think there's anything wrong with polytheistic underpinnings or insinuations, and not because I care to show you or prove to you that there is only one god (I don't believe that..you see), only because JW's have a "more scriptural than thou" schtick towards other christians which is trivially easy to poke at as an outsider. You've been backpedaling since the words fell from your mouth....it's unbecoming, and at the end of the day I won't believe any more or less on account of whatever you have to say to salvage that schtick, eh?
The scriptures -also- clearly state that there are no other gods..neither I nor JW's accept their authority in that regard- and that's okay. You needn't defend that article of faith (I don't expect you to be able to), it is not that article of faith, in truth, that my comments are aimed at, now is it? It is the staggering duplicity of faith and indoctrination which I'm referring to, not the woeful inaccuracy of faiths creeds and conclusions.
(you couldn't say it, though, could you, you couldn't - now- say "jesus is a true god, satan is a false god", lol...gee, I sure hope he wasn't watching and listening......)
You don't respond to my counterpoints, so I am done when it comes to these subjects with you