So, the observatory was pretty awesome tonight. It was kind of cloudy but I got to see Saturn with its beautiful rings, Jupiter and its moons, and Messier 13, or the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules. Totally blew my mind.
Anyway, I talked to my brother about tomorrow and told him I felt obligated to go, since it's father's day, but that I'd only go if he went with me, and he told me his girlfriend sort of guilt tripped him for the same So he's picking me up. I actually feel a lot better since I'll have a fellow atheist and skeptic with me... but we'll see how it goes.
Anyway, I talked to my brother about tomorrow and told him I felt obligated to go, since it's father's day, but that I'd only go if he went with me, and he told me his girlfriend sort of guilt tripped him for the same So he's picking me up. I actually feel a lot better since I'll have a fellow atheist and skeptic with me... but we'll see how it goes.
He who loves God cannot endeavour that God should love him in return - Baruch Spinoza