So does anyone else work for religous people? Not necessarily a religious company but just people who are religious? I work for a plant company. I'm a plant broker, I bring plants into the country, so not a religious company to say the least... BUT my immediate supervisor/boss is a youth pastor and he hires a lot of the kids (part timers) that do bring a religious aspect to this company... one of them keeps a bible on his desk, others have scriptures nicely writte on post its and while none of them try to impose their religion on me or anyone here (that I know of) I just find it inappropriate and someone annoying... I swear one of them was praying for my salvation lol.... One other major thing is the CEO of the company seems to always bring up either heaven or god when ever he has to present/talk about something in meetings or in company wide emails...People just can't seem to keep religion out of shit that has nothing to do with it. smh...
I don't want to bring it up to anyone here cuase there are cases where people have lost their jobs and im not trying to do that... Not that it will definitely happen, but you never know.. could hurt my opportunity to grow with this company or worse, or nothing at all could happen... despite the nonsense I mentioned above, its not a bad job and it's a job in my field...
Just wondering if anyone else is going through this like I am...
I don't want to bring it up to anyone here cuase there are cases where people have lost their jobs and im not trying to do that... Not that it will definitely happen, but you never know.. could hurt my opportunity to grow with this company or worse, or nothing at all could happen... despite the nonsense I mentioned above, its not a bad job and it's a job in my field...
Just wondering if anyone else is going through this like I am...
North NJ l USA l Earth
Milky Way l The Universe
North NJ l USA l Earth
Milky Way l The Universe