Oh boy, don't even get me started!!! I have had a few real loonies. One fired me because I kept refusing to answer his questions about what I believed. Another was a youth pastor who referred to her weekends (and some evenings) at her church as "GOD duty". I simply refuse to engage with them. And as I said in my introduction - I'm a musician. For ages, I have had to play organ for Catholic churches to pay the bills. (One of the best ways to create an Atheist - make them listen to 4 sermons every weekend.) But you're really careful to keep your mouth closed, your head down, and your Facebook posts generic in these situations! I'm delighted to report that I have found gainful employment, and I see no crosses, Bibles, or devotional artworks in my co-workers cubicles. I think I am finally free - I will even quit the church job in a few months!
"The family that prays together...is brainwashing their children."- Albert Einstein