Congratulations! Here were the rules:
0. Rules must be obeyed in the order they appear here. Once one rule is broken no other rules will be checked.
1. Posts must use the @ symbol.
2. Posts must be comprised of 2 non-blank lines.
3. Posts must contain a word that scores 13 points in scrabble.
4. The two lines must be reverse copies of each other.
5. Posts must not contain any vowels.
0. Rules must be obeyed in the order they appear here. Once one rule is broken no other rules will be checked.
1. Posts must use the @ symbol.
2. Posts must be comprised of 2 non-blank lines.
3. Posts must contain a word that scores 13 points in scrabble.
4. The two lines must be reverse copies of each other.
5. Posts must not contain any vowels.