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The Bloody Bible
The Bloody Bible
The Bloodthirsty Vampire

The Bible reveals an important, yet often overlooked trait of God's nature and that is his thirst for blood. From the beginning of his dealings with man he has shown his preference for spilled blood; he accepted Able's offering of sheep's blood and rejected Cain's offering of grains and plants (Genesis 4:3-5). God has told man that the shedding of blood is required to be forgiven of sins (Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 9:22). In the Old Testament, millions of animals were slaughtered and their blood poured onto altars and burned in a futile attempt to please God. The smoke from the burning flesh and blood was such a sweet scent to God (Exodus 29:18, Leviticus 1:9), that his anger was appeased when he smelled the sweet, burning blood (Genesis 8:21) Even the human/god sacrifice of Jesus is compared to the sweet smelling barbecue of an animal (Epehsians 5:2). Why is blood so sweet to this vampiric God? Why is blood required to be spilled in order to receive forgiveness from this "merciful" God? Don't ask these questions, "just believe," you will be told. Besides why risk ending up in an eternal barbecue just because things smell a little strange to you?

Bloodshed in The Bible

Knowing God's fondness of blood, it isn't surprising to find out that his "word;" the Holy Bible, is filled with bloodshed. When we read the Bible, we get to see a first-hand glimpse of God's true nature...and a very bloody nature it is indeed. The Bible tells us that God commanded: "Thou shalt not kill," yet King Saul lost his throne because he didn't kill everything God had commanded him to (1 Samuel 15:3, 9-11).

Sacrifice - The Ultimate Sin

"Sacrifice"...a word often heard coming from pulpits as preachers attempt to bleed dry the pockets of their congregations. Put simply, sacrifice is merely giving up something of one value for something of lesser value. The word "sacrifice" is synonymous with the word "injustice," because when something of value is traded for something of a truly lesser value, an injustice has occurred. In accordance with the twisted morality of the Bible, it isn't surprising that sacrifice is considered a virtue rather than the sin which it really is.
One of the greatest examples of God's true nature is reflected in the fact that he not only accepts sacrifices, but he demands them. God has demanded that blood be spilled in order for him to extend his mercy (Leviticus 17:11). Thousands of years ago, God was willing to accept the spilled blood of animals in exchange for his forgiveness, but even the deaths of billions of animals didn't provide enough blood to satiate his hunger. The Bible tells us that humans were to be killed as an offering to this bloodthirsty God (Leviticus 27:29) even though modern believers deny that God accepted human sacrifice, that's exactly what these executions were. Even that human blood wasn't sufficient to permit God's "grace" to cover the sins of man so a half human/half God (Jesus) had to be killed. Now we have the ultimate injustice...spill the blood of the most valued in exchange for the least worthy. And somehow this injustice (sacrifice) is so "perfect" that God is able to extend his "perfect mercy" without offending justice. If you're confused, you must not have a Christian background because this is exactly what the fundamental view of salvation amounts to. "Washed in the blood of the lamb," as they sing in church. What a disgusting image that paints.
More examples concerning blood sacrifices to God in the Bible:
• Cain offers the fruit of the ground to God while Able sacrifices the firstborn of his flocks. God respects the blood sacrifice but not the offering of plants. - Genesis 4:2-8
• Noah brings seven of each "clean" animal onto the ark and two of each of the "unclean" animals so that he will have plenty of "acceptable" animals to sacrifice to God. The first thing Noah does after getting off the ark is kill some of the animals that he had saved for God. The smell of burning meat softens God's heart and he promises not to flood the earth like that again. - Genesis 7:2-3, 8:19-21
• God demands that all the men of his "chosen race" mutilate their penis and spill their own blood as a form of mini-sacrifice to show their loyalty . - Genesis 17:11
• God commands Abraham to kill his son as a human sacrifice, but changes his mind at the last minute. - Genesis 22:1-2
• God sends Jephthah's daughter out to him as a sign that he is to kill her and offer her as a human sacrifice. God doesn't change his mind on this one. A possible reflection of the ancient Hebrew value of women versus their value of men. - Judges 11:30-39
• God goes to great lengths to describe exactly how animals are to be slaughtered, prepared, and roasted so that they will be pleasing to the Lord. Why he couldn't have dedicated that space in the Bible to something useful, like a cure for cancer or a way to improve infant mortality rates tells us alot about God's real agenda. - Leviticus Chapters 1 through 10
• Anytime innocent men, women or children are killed because of God's anger, it must be considered to have been a human sacrifice. God accepts these "sacrifices" with glee, often killing the innocent along with the guilty. The number of instances where this happens in the Bible are staggering. - Genesis 7:21-23, 19:25, Exodus 11:5, Numbers 11:1, 15:36, 16:22, Deuteronomy 20:16, Joshua 6:21, etc. etc. etc.
• After capturing all the Midianite women and children, God commands Moses to kill the women and the male children and to "keep the virgin girls alive for yourselves." Moses then proceeds to offer 32 of the 32,000 virgin girls to God as a "tribute." We know from Leviticus 27:29 that these 32 girls would not be allowed to stay alive but were offered as a heave offering (burnt on the sacrificial altar) to the Lord. - Numbers 31:17-18,40-41
• To appease God's wrath, King David had 7 sons of the dead King Saul crucified. The mother of two of these men sat in front of their bodies as they rotted in the sun for weeks. She is commended for sitting there and driving off the wild animals and vultures that tried to eat her dead sons carcasses. To make things better, King David takes their bodies and has them buried in the royal cemetery. I bet she felt a lot better after that act of generosity. When the 7 men are offered as a sacrifice, God removes the curse he had put on the land. Who says God can't be bribed? - 2 Samuel 21:1-10
• One of God's prophets declares that "this is is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiate and made drunk with their blood: for the Lord GOD of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates." A clear reference to the fact that the slaughter of humans was considered a sacrificial offering to God. - Jeremiah 46:10
• God says that rather than punish his wayward people by killing them like he would do in earlier times, he let them become idolatrous so that they would sacrifice their firstborn children on fiery altars. The reason God gives for causing this horror is so "that they might know that I am the Lord." - Ezekiel 20:21,24-26

Thou Shalt Not Kill...Unless I Tell You To

One of the great paradoxes of the Bible is the fact that God gave man the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" then turned around and ordered the slaughter of countless animals and human beings. He also claimed that anything which killed a man would be killed by man (Genesis 9:6), unless, that is, God wanted them to kill man, then they could get away with it. God's morality is based on the changing whim of God alone. Don't even try to figure it out!
Biblical examples of God ordering man to kill his fellow man or condoning the killing of humans:
• During a battle with a rival group, God lets the Israelites kill more of the enemy when Moses holds his magic staff of God in the air. When Moses lets his hand fall down, the enemy prevails in battle. The Israelites weaken, but don't destroy the enemy. God promises that one day he will get his revenge and destroy them entirely. - Exodus 17:8-14
• When Moses comes off the Mount with the Ten Commandments and sees the people worshipping a golden calf, God commands him to take his loyal followers and have them "slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor." Three thousand people end up dying in the slaughter. -Exodus 32:26-28
• God promises his chosen people that if they obey him they will overpower their enemies and kill them with the sword. He goes on to say that 100 Israelites will scare away 10,000 of the enemy. - Leviticus 26:7-8
• God commands Moses to have the people kill a man who picked up sticks on the Lord's "Holy" day. They stone him to death. - Numbers 15:32-36
• God's people make a vow that if God delivers the people of Canaan to them, they will kill all the Canaanites and destroy their cities. God gladly obliges and they name the ruins "Hormah" which means "annihilation." - Numbers 21:2-3
• When some of the Israelite men began to become friendly with the women who lived in the cities they invaded, God commanded Moses to kill them and hang their heads up to dry in the sun so "that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from you." While this is going on, Aaron's grandson saw an Israelite man trying to sneak one of the women into his tent. He reacts by driving a spear through the stomachs of both of them simultaneously. God was so pleased by the zealousness of this act, that he ended a plague which he had sent to kill the Israelites in his jealousy. Only 24,000 Israelites had died of the plague by that time. - Numbers 25:4-13
• Another king tries to stop the Israelites from invading his land. The Bible tells us that the reason this king was obstinate was because God hardened his heart so that the Israelites could prove God's power. In their words, "And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain." - Deuteronomy 2:30-34
• Once David becomes king, the Amalekites invade his kingdom. Unlike the bloody conquests of the Israelites, the "heathen" Amalekites burn the captured city but they don't kill anyone, "great or small." David pursues them and slays the Amalekites while they are camping. None of the captured Israelites had been harmed by the Amalekites, in contrast to the bloodbath the Israelites had been conducting against the Amalekites. The true morality of the godly versus the ungodly is revealed once more. - 1 Samuel 30:1-19
• The old kings had allowed for people to worship another God (Baal), so the new king came up with a plan to bring them all together so he could kill them all at once. He called for them all to come to the temple because, "I have a great sacrifice to do to Baal and any who do not show up will be put to death." Once he gathered all the Baal worshippers of the kingdom into the temple, he had his soldiers kill them. - 2 Kings 10:18-25


The Bible is full of atrocities which are committed against man and beast in the name of God. The cruel manner by which God's chosen people execute his wrath reflects the nature of a truly sadistic God.
• When God sends the Israelites to invade the lands of Canaan he tells them that he will drive out the people with fear and that he will send hornets to drive them out so they can inherit the land. Of course a little later, God denies saying that he would drive them out (Judges 2:3). - Exodus 23:27-30
• The Bible condones slavery as being okay. It even goes so far as to say that you can beat a slave to death as long as he doesn't die right away. That way, the murderer loses money by having to take care of the dying slave and afterall "it's his money that he's losing." - Exodus 21:20-21
• God gives people painful and debilitating diseases such as leprosy or hemorrhoids in order to punish them. When Moses sister-in-law criticizes him, God gives her leprosy. When the Philistines take the Ark of the Covenant, God gives them hemorrhoids. - Numbers 21:1-10, 1 Samuel 5:6-9, 2 Kings 5:27, 15:3-5
• The method of execution used by God's people was nearly always excruciatingly cruel. For instance, when a man took a garment, some silver and a piece of gold from a city that had been destroyed, Joshua had the man, his sons, daughters, oxen, asses and sheep all stoned with stones and then burned with fire. - Joshua 7:24-25
• God tells Joshua that when the horses of the enemy are captured, they are to cut the hamstrings of the horses. David pulls a similar stunt with horses that he captures. Where's the ASPCA when you need them? - Joshua 11:6,9, 2 Samuel 8:4
• Judah captures a king and has his thumbs and big toes cut off. The king doesn't seem to mind though because he claimed to have done the same thing to 70 kings himself and now God has paid him back. They take him to Jerusalem and he dies, probably from slowly bleeding to death. - Judges 1:7-8
• Gideon's army passes through an Israelite city and demands that the elders of the city provide them with food. The elders ask Gideon, "How do we know that you are actually on a mission from God? Later, Gideon teaches these elders some respect with thorns and briers from the wilderness. - Judges 8:4-16
• The Bible says that Jesus taught that if your right eye offends you, you should pluck it out. It also describes Samson, one of God's bloodiest heroes, getting his eyes gouged out. - Judges 16:21
• After a man sends his concubine out into the hands of a mob, they rape her until she dies, the man then cuts her body into twelve pieces and ships the pieces across the land for people to see the horror that has been done by the mob. - Judges 19:22-29
• To scare the people into obeying him, King Saul cuts some oxen into pieces and sends the bloody pieces across the land, telling the people that whoever doesn't obey will have the same thing done to their oxen. - 1 Samuel 11:7
• During the victory celebrations, women sing and dance, heartlessly bragging that King Saul has killed thousands of people but David has killed tens of thousands. This makes the king very angry and jealous of David. - 1 Samuel 18:7
• Jesus is supposed to have healed the blind but not much mention is made of the times when God's prophets intentionally made people blind. - Genesis 19:11, 2 Kings 6:18, Acts 13:11
• King David sets an example that will be later used by godly men during the crusades and the inquisition by taking the inhabitants of all the cities of Ammon and cutting them up with saws and axes and harrows of iron. - 1 Chronicles 20:3
• While describing the results of God's wrath on his chosen people, a prophet says "Those slain by the sword are better off than those who die of famine; racked with hunger, they waste away for lack of food. ... pitiful women have cooked their own children, who became their food ..." God has begun to learn that there are worse punishments than even death. - Lamentations 4:9-10
• Another prophet describes the actions of the cannibalistic Israelites in detail: "Who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones; who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh with the cauldron." Remember God said he would cause them to eat their own children because they wouldn't worship only him. Not only a jealous God, but exceedingly cruel also! - Micah 3:2-3

Love Your Neighbor Then Bash in his Skull

The Bible is flaunted by many as the ultimate source for human morality. But as we have shown, God's actions, as well as the actions of his followers, have often been nothing but pure evil. The Bible should show how man should treat his fellow man yet the example it shows is often bloody and violent.
• When Moses sees an Egyptian hit a Hebrew, he kills the Egyptian. - Exodus 2:12
• An Israelite warrior kills 600 Philistines with an oxgoad. - Judges 3:31When a weary man tries to hide from his pursuers an Israelite woman tells him to come into her tent where she will protect him. Then she sneaks in while he's sleeping and nails his head to the floor with a hammer. - Judges 4:18-21In an attempt to provide wives for the few remaining men of the tribe of Benjaminthe Israelites attack a city of their own people and slaughter all the men, all the children and all the women who are not virgins. Then they give the remaining 400 virgins to the men of Benjamin for wives. - Judges 21:10-12
• The Philistines get credit for killing 30,000 Israelite footsoldiers. Interestingly no mention is made of the Philistines killing any women or children. Remind us again who the righteous side is? - 1 Samuel 4:10
• To purchase the hand of the king's daughter in marriage, David kills 200 Philistine men and cuts off the foreskin of all their penises. - 1 Samuel 18:27
• David inspires some of the bloodiest incidents of the Bible. Killing and mutilating tens of thousands of men, women and children, the handicapped, animals and his own loyal subjects - 2 Samuel 2:23, 30, 8:1-18, 10:18, 11:14-27, Killing for revenge is a common theme in the Bible. There was even a law that allowed for a relative to go out and kill someone who accidentally killed their relative. They were even given the "noble" title: "Revenger of Blood." - Numbers 35:19, Deuteronomy 19:6, Joshua 20:3-9
• Abimelech became king over God's people whereupon he killed his 70 brothers then killed everyone in a city (in the process, burning 1,000 men and women in a tower) and when he tried to invade another city, a woman dropped a rock on his head. Before he could die he had his servant kill him so that no one could say that he was killed by a woman. - Judges 9:5,44-45,49, 53-54
• When Abner killed Asahel, Joab and Abishai return the favor by killing Abner. - 2 Samuel 2:23, 3:30
• Then when Rechan and Baanah kill Ish-bosheth, behead him, and take his head to David, the king returns the favor by having Rechan and Baanah killed. He then cuts off their hands and feet and hangs their bodies by a pool. - 2 Samuel 4:7-8, 12
• Absalom has his half-brother murdered by his servants because he raped his sister. Later Absalom gets his when he is murdered by Joab - 2 Samuel 13:28-29, 18:14-15
• David's servants proceed to kill 20,000 Israelite men in the forests of Ephraim. More people than that die lost in the woods. - 2 Samuel 18:6-8
• In the midst of the battles which David inspired, the Bible makes a graphic description of a man being disemboweled and wallowing in his own blood on the road. - 2 Samuel 20:10-12The wise King Solomon was responsible for his own share of bloodshed, murdering some of his father's most loyal servants; Adonijah, Joab and Shime-i. Solomon claims he killed them to take away the innocent blood which they shed from off of himself and the house of David. - 1 Kings 2:24-25, 29-34, 46
• Men weren't the only ones slaying people in the Bible. When the daughter of Jezebel (the mother of one of the murdered kings) saw that her son had been murdered, she got up and killed all the kings sons (her own grandsons) except one which had been hidden by the king's sister. 6 years later she is killed by the followers of this son who crown him king then butcher her. - 2 Kings 11:1-2
• The son of a murdered king rose to power and killed his servants (who had murdered his father, the king) but he didn't kill the families of his servants because he believed that God had said, "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, nor the children be put to death for the fathers; but every man shall be put to death for his own sin." Too bad God couldn't keep that bit of advice himself. After making such a noble gesture, this same king invaded a city and killed 10,000 people.- 2 Kings 14:5-7
• In the story of Daniel in the lion's den, Daniel was sentenced to spend a night in a den full of lions because he refused to not pray to his God. The lions didn't eat Daniel because an angel kept the lions' mouths closed. When the king heard about this he threw those who had accused Daniel into the lion's den. What most people don't know is that the king also threw their wives and children into the lion's den and the lions tore them all to pieces. - Daniel 6:24


With the careless attitude that their God displays towards human life in the Bible, it's amazing that Christians can dare call themselves "pro-life." Human life is the most valuable commodity on this planet and it is the basis by which there is objectivist morality. God doesn't appear to share this opinion, even when it comes to the unborn or very young infants. One out of every four pregnancies ends in miscarriage or "abortion." The reason for these abortions is often because the developing fetus had some sort of genetic problem which would have kept it from being healthy if it had continued to develop. Since God is the one responsible for creation, he is also responsible for these genetic errors. So, the next time you see Christians picketing an abortion clinic, remind them that God has been responsible for more abortions than every abortion clinic that has ever existed. Not to mention his little temper tantrums where thousands of pregnant women and their unborn children are killed
Some Biblical examples of what God caused to happen to the unborn or the very young so that he could punish his wayward human pets:
• One of God's chosen people killed the king of Israel and sat on the throne only to be replaced by another who killed him, then another killed that one. This king of God's chosen people went to a city and killed everyone in it. He also took the pregnant women and "ripped them up." - 2 Kings 15:16
• One of God's prophets begs God to give one of the tribes of Israel "a miscarrying womb and dry breasts." Not only does he want God to make them abort, he wants the women to be unable to feed whatever children they do have. Is this what you would call "pro-life?" - Hosea 9:14
• This same prophet proclaims that the people of Samaria, "shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up." - - Hosea 13:16

Perfect Justice

God is supposed to be the perfect judge for all of creation. The laws and punishments he gave to his chosen people should reflect the perfection of his justice. Here are a few examples of what God would call "justice."
• If a woman tries to defend her husband and accidentally touches the genitals of another man while fighting she is to have her hand cut off. - Deuteronomy 25:11
• If a son is stubborn or rebellious, he is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 21:18-2
• If a man hates his wife all he has to do is accuse her of not being a virgin when he married her. If her parents can't provide a bloody sheet to prove that she was a virgin on her wedding night, she is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 22:13-21
• If a woman is raped and doesn't cry out she is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 22:23-24
• If the daughter of a priest is promiscuous she is to be burnt to death. - Leviticus 21:9
• If a man has intercourse with a woman while she is on her menstrual cycle they are both to be put to death. - Leviticus 20:18
• Homosexuals are to be put to death. - Leviticus 20:13
• Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal must be put to death. - Exodus 22:19, Leviticus 20:15-16
• Those who don't get circumcised are to be put to death. - Genesis 17:14
• Anyone who works on the sabbath is to be put to death. - Exodus 31:14-17
• Offering sacrifices that aren't in keeping with God's strict orders will get you killed. - Leviticus 10:1-2
• Butchering an animal without letting God get a taste of the blood is a crime punishable by death. - Leviticus 17:3-4
• If someone commits blasphemy against God they are to be put to death. - Leviticus 24:16
• Anyone who studies astrology is to be stoned to death. - Deuteronomy 17:2-5
• If someone tries to get you to go to a different church, they are to be stoned to death without pity or mercy. - Deuteronomy 13:6-11
• If the inhabitants of a city begin to worship other gods they are to be slaughtered and their city burned to the ground. - Deuteronomy 13:12-17
• Witches are to be killed. - Exodus 22:18
• Cursing your parents will get you put to death. - Exodus 21:17, Leviticus 20:9
• If an animal or human even touches Mount Sinai while God is on it, they are to be shot with arrows or stoned to death. - Exodus 19:12-14
• God makes a comprehensive list of all the horrible things that will happen if his chosen people don't follow the laws and commandments that are in the Bible. Included are such things as hemorrhoids, scabs, itching which doesn't heal, blindness, insanity, sores from head to foot, famine, cannibalism and pestilence from all sides. - Deuteronomy 28:15-68

The Wrath of God

The majority of the conversations which God has with his chosen people involve him threatening to destroy someone in some hideous fashion or other. In these childish displays of temper, God reveals his true nature.
• God says that those who don't kill everyone exactly as he commanded will be cursed, "and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood." - Jeremiah 48:1,10
• "God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies. Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? His fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him." - Nahum 1:2,6
• God says that he will treat the ungodly like a mother bear that has her cubs taken from her, "and will rend the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them." Don't think that they will be able to ask for forgiveness or repent because God will keep them alive just so he can torment them. And he will show no mercy or pity. - Hosea 13:8,14
• God says that in time all flesh will come to worship him. "And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." - Isaiah 66:23-24
• Not content to simply kill, God graphically describes how he will punish those that have made him angry, "And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts that shall be in these tents, as this plague. Zechariah 14:12,15
• Reminiscent of a scene from Hellraiser, God threatens to tear the flesh away with hooks and to tear the children with fishhooks. - Amos 4:2
• " For the indignation of the LORD is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcases, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood." - Isaiah 34:2-3
• God threatens to melt his chosen people, wherever they may try to flee from his wrath he will find them. "Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof. And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skilful to destroy. Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it." Uh, could you maybe pick somone else to be your chosen people? - Ezekiel 22:21; 21:31-32

Blessed are the Peacemakers

"But those references are all from the Old Testament!" Christians will cry, "There's a new covenant now!" Unfortunately, i have to point out that the last book of the Old Testament says that God never changes (Malachi 3:6). If God did those things to humans once, he will do them again and again. But what about Jesus? Jesus is supposed to be loving and peaceful, the kind of god that wouldn't hurt a fly. Let's see what the Bible says about this.
• The loving Jesus introduces a new form of cruelty to mankind: the concept of an eternal barbecue called, "HELL" where there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now, God gets to enjoy the smell of burning humans for all eternity. Thank you JESUS! - Matthew 3:12, 8:12, 10:21, 13:30, 42, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30, Luke 13:28, John 5:24
• Jesus tells a parable about himself and reveals his true nature by saying, "But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. - Luke 19:27
• While telling his disciples what they can expect in the near future, Jesus throws in that brothers will turn in each other to be killed, fathers will have their children put to death and children will cause their parents to be killed. - Matthew 10:21
• Jesus also showed his love and kindness by predicting that pregnant women, infants and children would suffer greatly in the coming "days of vengeance." The fact that he wasn't appalled with the injustice of the idea shows that his heart was just as cruel as his evil Father/God. - Luke 21:22-23
• Did Jesus come to bring peace on earth? Let's see what Jesus says about that: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth: I did not come to bring peace, I came to bring a sword. I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a man's enemies will be the members of his own family. He who loves his father or mother or son or daughter more than he loves me is not worthy of me." - Matthew 10:34-37
• Jesus taught that to follow him you had to first hate your family. - Luke 14:26
• Jesus commanded his followers to purchase swords. - Luke 22:36
• Jesus didn't only use his magic powers to heal the sick. He also used them to curse a fig tree (Mark 11:12-14) and he cursed the inhabitants of three cities which didn't repent after he performed miracles for them. He condemned the people of these cities to hell and said that their punishment would be worse than the fiery destruction of Sodom. He finishes up by thanking God that the truth has been hidden from the wise men who could most benefit from its saving power. - Matthew 11:20-25
• Jesus supposedly had the power to transform water into wine. At his last supper he turned the wine into his own blood and commanded his disciples to drink it (Mark 14:22-24) in violation of God's commandment to not drink blood (Genesis 9:4-5). This bloody, cannibalistic cocktail is recreated in churches across the world every week. Catholic believers are told that they must believe that the wine has actually transformed into the physical blood of Jesus. Jesus himself taught that the way to gain eternal life was to drink his blood. The vampiric traits of his father (God) must have been hereditary. - John 6:53-54
RE: The Bloody Bible
Nice copy-paste job. - Next time maybe quote it and provide proper attribution?

And while you're at it, perhaps post an introduction thread so we know who you are?
RE: The Bloody Bible
Gee, all that? Seems much easier to consider Adam of dust and breath. Seems like breath flows like blood, blood animates like spirit; soul returns to god...

Or not.
[Image: twQdxWW.jpg]
RE: The Bloody Bible
(December 17, 2011 at 12:42 am)houseofcantor Wrote: soul returns to god...
The what returns to the what now?


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