(May 9, 2009 at 5:50 pm)fr0d0 Wrote: No EvF... I've said very many times... my position is the result of rational thought. Your position is the result of obviously flawed reason.
EvF Wrote:OBVIOUSLY flawed? Let's take a look here..
Quote:Yes, very.
Quote:Your repeating yourself again. I already said, and of course it's obvious, no one believes without reasoning. Evidence, we have established, is a ridiculous requirement.
Yet actually, the thing is you keep jumping about between two things and that's why it's so hard to debate with you. These are the two things:
Sometimes you say there can be no evidence.
other times you say there can be no
emprical evidence.
But there can be evidence of
some form and that your reasoning IS evidence for an objective God that actually exists (a reason to believe he actually exists in reality) - it's just not
emprical evidence.
Quote:Yet you hold on to it like grim death.
You may not believe there can be any
emprical evidence, but you say that there can be SOME FORM. In other words the reasons that you DO have is evidence (reason to believe) it is just not
empirical evidence. All that I hold on to is that it is irrational to believe without any good reason (I'm sure you'd agree) and if there is no evidence of ANY form (both empirical AND NON-empirical) then there is no good reason...because if there WAS a good reason to believe in God's actual existence - to believe there was some indication of SOME form that he actually existed - then that WOULD count as evidence - it doesn't have to be emprical.
If there's a reason to believe he
actually exists then that would count as evidence of his existence. You believe there ARE reasons to believe he
actually exists so you believe there is evidence of SOME form at least (besides you have already said before that there is, that it's just not
emprical whereas other times you have said there can be no evidence
at all! - you keep switching back and forth throughout the forums. This is partly what makes it so confusing for me to talk about this with you, when I play 1 you play the other).
Quote:This you call open mindedness.
Yes, I think expecting SOME form of evidence - I repeat I am NOT only talking about empirical - for the existence of God or anything else is to be required before it is rational to actually BELIEVE it really
If there is actually a rational reason to believe God
actually exists, to indicate he really exists, then that would count as evidence. I am NOT just talking about empirical.
I'm saying whether God is provable or unprobable, whether he is falsifiable or unfalsifiable it is irrational to believe he
actually exists without evidence of SOME form (empirical,
or otherwise). Otherwise you might as well believe in anything.
You talk about rational reasons to believe - but if they are rational reasons to believe God
actually exists once again, that would count as evidence whether it's empirical or not.
Ok , no empirical evidence. But where exactly is this NON-empirical evidence then?
Quote:Quote:It seems like you're stuck in a position of complete lack of thought.
Actually, I have a LOT of thoughts to be quite frank :$
Lol, what? I DO have a lot of thoughts. Hehe. I think things through a LOT. You say I have no thoughts. I know you don't mean it literally , but I really do think things through an awful lot too (An AWFUL lot, I analyze like crazy, I'm obsessed lol)
Quote:Yup. I needed reason to believe first. I believe everyone does. I already said this in answer to you last time. You missed it apparently.
Well if you have a reason to believe God actually exists. That would count as evidence if the reason is indeed valid and it's an indication (however great or slight) that he DOES actually exist - whether it's emprical or not.
Quote:Evidence... yeah, I'm a god obviously and can know the evidence (sic).
Sorry but sometimes you have said there can be no evidence, other times you've said no
empirical evidence. You have switched over this once or twice over the forums. I find it very confusing TBH because I am not talking specially of empirical evidence. I am talking of ANY evidence.
If you have evidence of ANY form, ANY
rational reason to believe that God actually objectively exists then I am including that when I talk of evidence.
I do not know of such evidence. Empirical or NON-empirical, I know of none. And I know of no more NON-empirical evidence for God (or any 'rational reason to believe in his actual existence') than I do for Zeus, the FSM or Santa.
Do you? If you do, if you have a rational reason to believe in God's objective existence - ANY form of evidence, NON-empirical
will do - then that would count as SOME form of evidence.
And I no of none. I don't see where exactly there is any indication that there is any evidence (or rational reason) of ANY form for God, any more (or less) than the FSM, Zeus or Santa.
Where? What? How do you distinguish between the "God" that you believe in and Zeus and the FSM? Where are there any more rational reasons? WHERE is there any more NON-empirical (
whatever credible form)?
What rational reasons? WHAT non-empirical evidence? How is God any different to the uncountable number of unfalsifiable bullshit including Zeus, the FSM, Santa Claus, Russell's Teapot, the Tooth Fairy and much much much, MUCH much more? Why is he to be treated any differently in a logic and rational sense?
Quote:Like I answered you, you need reason first. Evidence!!! Are you not reading what I've put? You need to counter that first before you repeat what has been thoroughly logically dismissed.
Once again. You have said before that you DO believe there is evidence (IOW some actual objective reasons to believe God actually exists) just not EMPIRICAL evidence. Well I am NOT talking just about empirical evidence. I am talking about ALL evidence. ANY
valid evidence.
If you have a rational reason to believe he actually exists, IF you do - then that's evidence. I know of none.
It would be a rational reason to believe without evidence of SOME form. You have said before that you believe there IS evidence it's just not
emprical. But whenever I mention evidence you simply say there can't be any!! As if every time I say evidence you hear my saying "EMPRICAL evidence". Either that or you just keep switching back and forth between "there can be no evidence" and "there can be no
emprical evidence".
Quote:Here we go again... yeah yeah, I know, you say it every other post EvF. That doesn't make it right. The point has been thoroughly beaten yet you repeat it regardless.
No it hasn't. And I repeat it because of the awkwardness of the fact that you keep claiming to believe in God rationally WITHOUT evidence. IF there
actually was/is a reason to believe that God
actually exists then that WOULD count as evidence whether it was empirical or not.
And if there ISN'T a rational reason (as I indeed, don't believe there is) then you just aren't being rational then are you?
And as I have SAID....you have said before that you DO believe there is evidence and it's just not
emprical but whenever I ask for it...you simply say there can be no evidence and that you have already stated that.
I am not asking for empirical evidence. I am asking for ANY evidence. ANY rational reason to believe God actually exists objectively.
You say that you DO have rational reasons to believe he exists - SO...what are they? If they are valid then it would count as evidence towards his existence. I am NOT talking about specifically empirical evidence.
I am talking about ANY rational reason to believe in his existence ANY form of evidence. Where are these reasons/what is this evidence? I am NOT talking about specifically empirical.
Where is the (non-empirical included) evidence?
Where are the rational reasons?
That's all I am asking. I never asked for specifically empirical and you have said before that there is indeed
non-empirical (whereas other times you have simply said there can be no evidence at all).
So I ask you...what NON-empirical evidence then? And how is it evidence?
Quote:You're talking about evidence of which there can be none.
So there's no rational reason to believe that God actually exists then? Then how are your reasons to believe in him rational? They can't be then.
As I have said, you have said before that there IS evidence, it's just not
empirical. Other times you have said there can be no evidence at all (like just here). But if there is no evidence at all, no indication at all, then there are no rational reasons to believe God exists. Because if there WERE rational reasons to believe that God exists then that WOULD count as evidence whether it's empirical OR....
NON-empirical. Quote:Your points here are therefore irrelevant. You need to re-phrase them.
If you have rational reasons to believe then that would count as SOME form of evidence to believe he actually exists (otherwise it's not rational). It doesn't have to be empirical. It just has to be a rational reason to believe in his existence, to count as SOME form of evidence.
You have said before that there is evidence, it's just not
empirical...so...WHAT Non-empirical evidence? WHAT rational reason(s) to believe that God actually exists objectively? ANY form of evidence.
What? Where?