Hello forum members, i just joined and thought I should introduce myself. I'm Chris, I'm 25 years old and I'm a german. I live in Berlin and I'm an atheist. I am also a member of a german atheistic forum, but since I wanted to practice english anyhow, I thought, "why not"? I hope it's okay, if I use you guys for practice? I'm, of course, sorry for the mistakes I'm making. I hope I will get better.
I have no conversion story. I never believed in god or anything like that, which is actually unusual, because in Germany you have religion as a school subject.
I realized pretty late (I think I was 14) that I was an atheist (until then, I didn't know what an atheist was) and so I started to do some research about the subject. I read Nietzsche for example and also other philosophers. Unfortunately I have been a bad student in school, so I'm not that good at science, but I'm trying to learn.
Well, I guess that was it. If you have any questions, ask them. Again, I'm sorry because of the mistakes (I certainly made some).
By the way: Guten Tag means good day or better good afternoon, but you can more or less say it anytime of the day (in Berlin it's now nearly 4:am. So, I have to go to sleep now. Good night.
I have no conversion story. I never believed in god or anything like that, which is actually unusual, because in Germany you have religion as a school subject.
I realized pretty late (I think I was 14) that I was an atheist (until then, I didn't know what an atheist was) and so I started to do some research about the subject. I read Nietzsche for example and also other philosophers. Unfortunately I have been a bad student in school, so I'm not that good at science, but I'm trying to learn.
Well, I guess that was it. If you have any questions, ask them. Again, I'm sorry because of the mistakes (I certainly made some).
By the way: Guten Tag means good day or better good afternoon, but you can more or less say it anytime of the day (in Berlin it's now nearly 4:am. So, I have to go to sleep now. Good night.