I love you all with the depth of my heart.
My perspective right now is that an action doesn't have to be "right" in the absolute sense to be "praiseworthy", but it's the spirit behind the action that matters. And action can be right, but the spirit behind it can be wrong.
The spirit of seeking the truth can be praiseworthy or not, depending on the spirit behind it. If it reeks of vanity and hatred, then perhaps it's not so praiseworthy.
Wanting to show another person the truth, can be good or not, depending on the intention.
The judgement a person can be misguided but good in spirit, or it can be guided and good in spirit, or it can be misguided and evil in spirit, and it can be guided and evil in spirit.
To be honest, I don't know if my intention is good or was ever good in discussions.
But I know I do love you guys. I love Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc...I love all humanity.
Whatever misguided twisted judgments they have, from the past like slavery to whatever they did, I think humanity has a good spirit.
We fight each other but even in midst of that, there is mostly a good spirit behind it.
My illness is the reason why I want to leave. I get sick when I discuss about things too much on forums.
I recently got sick again and had to increase the dose. If I am ever going to get good enough to not to be on medications, it's going to have be a life style change.
Discussions as enlightening as they are, drive me insane literally.
I'm going to ask the Admins to ban my account, and not let me come back.
I'm too attached to this place, to not come back if you don't do that.
Out of all forums I been on, this place was the most fun and wonderful experience I had.
My perspective right now is that an action doesn't have to be "right" in the absolute sense to be "praiseworthy", but it's the spirit behind the action that matters. And action can be right, but the spirit behind it can be wrong.
The spirit of seeking the truth can be praiseworthy or not, depending on the spirit behind it. If it reeks of vanity and hatred, then perhaps it's not so praiseworthy.
Wanting to show another person the truth, can be good or not, depending on the intention.
The judgement a person can be misguided but good in spirit, or it can be guided and good in spirit, or it can be misguided and evil in spirit, and it can be guided and evil in spirit.
To be honest, I don't know if my intention is good or was ever good in discussions.
But I know I do love you guys. I love Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc...I love all humanity.
Whatever misguided twisted judgments they have, from the past like slavery to whatever they did, I think humanity has a good spirit.
We fight each other but even in midst of that, there is mostly a good spirit behind it.
My illness is the reason why I want to leave. I get sick when I discuss about things too much on forums.
I recently got sick again and had to increase the dose. If I am ever going to get good enough to not to be on medications, it's going to have be a life style change.
Discussions as enlightening as they are, drive me insane literally.
I'm going to ask the Admins to ban my account, and not let me come back.
I'm too attached to this place, to not come back if you don't do that.
Out of all forums I been on, this place was the most fun and wonderful experience I had.