Bothers and sisters in Christ, sissy phony Christians and unsaved heathen hellbound trash,
I was at first overjoyed when I read the news today that even in these EndTimes where arrogant liberals prevent us True Christians from implementing Gawd's laws which call for the stoning of disobedient children, the banning of shellfish and other important priorities to our loving Lord, even today there are brave Christians who are willing to push back against the hermosexual agenda.
A special education teacher in Indiana who fancies herself to be a Christian is pushing for a straight-only prom.
Now naturally I have no problem with her calling for the exclusion of the hermosexuals from the school prom, except that she doesn't go nearly far enough as The Wholly Babble tells us that the dang gays need to be stoned to death, not simply told to stay home and let their demons keep them company.
What I have a problem with is that she's obviously one of them phony Christians who likes to pick-and-choose which parts of Gawd's Holey Word to follow. Now, she's a school teacher which means she clearly hasn't read this verse:
So when is this so-called Christian woman going to offer her resignation as a teacher?
I was at first overjoyed when I read the news today that even in these EndTimes where arrogant liberals prevent us True Christians from implementing Gawd's laws which call for the stoning of disobedient children, the banning of shellfish and other important priorities to our loving Lord, even today there are brave Christians who are willing to push back against the hermosexual agenda.
A special education teacher in Indiana who fancies herself to be a Christian is pushing for a straight-only prom.
Now naturally I have no problem with her calling for the exclusion of the hermosexuals from the school prom, except that she doesn't go nearly far enough as The Wholly Babble tells us that the dang gays need to be stoned to death, not simply told to stay home and let their demons keep them company.
What I have a problem with is that she's obviously one of them phony Christians who likes to pick-and-choose which parts of Gawd's Holey Word to follow. Now, she's a school teacher which means she clearly hasn't read this verse:
Quote:1st Tim 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
So when is this so-called Christian woman going to offer her resignation as a teacher?
"You don't need facts when you got Jesus." -Pastor Deacon Fred, Landover Baptist Church
: True Christian is a Trademark of the Landover Baptist Church. I have no affiliation with this fine group of True Christians because I can't afford their tithing requirements but would like to be. Maybe someday the Lord will bless me with enough riches that I am able to.
And for the lovers of Poe, here's your winking smiley:
: True Christian is a Trademark of the Landover Baptist Church. I have no affiliation with this fine group of True Christians because I can't afford their tithing requirements but would like to be. Maybe someday the Lord will bless me with enough riches that I am able to.
And for the lovers of Poe, here's your winking smiley: