The Alkaline Movement
September 10, 2013 at 8:59 am
(This post was last modified: September 10, 2013 at 9:15 am by KichigaiNeko.)
Something more to be alert for
Oh fuck this guy has been in the USofA?
From a Dr Cohen forum
Information about the programme and how to get started!
This is NOT an official 'Cohens Document'. If there ARE any errors they're MINE. It has been compiled to help you make an assessment as to whether the programme might be 'right' for you.
Dr Cohen's program offers rapid fat loss that should never come back provided you keep the hormones balanced by eating correctly. Dr Cohen's has isolated three hormones involved in managing body fat.
They are: Human Growth Hormone, Insulin and Serotonin.
In people who suffer from obesity, the level of human growth hormone drops, unnaturally high levels of insulin are released and serotonin is not released properly. As a result, sufferers’ constantly crave food and no matter how little or how much they eat, they gain weight.
Dr Cohen treats clients by analysing their unique blood profile and devising a custom-made eating plan accordingly. The eating plan stimulates these three hormones with specific food combinations and quantities so that the body starts burning its own fat. Your food becomes your medicine.
Dr Cohen has successfully treated thousands of people over the last 25 years. This is not another fad diet; it is based on medical research.
The cost of the program is $850.00. However, if you pay the total up front you will receive a $100 discount and pay only $750.00.
The cost of the programme does not include blood tests which are $22 for the initial blood test and $11 for the repeat blood tests. These are paid directly to the pathologist each time you have a test.
EATING PLAN – a personalized diet made for you by Dr Cohen using your initial blood results with the eating plan fully explained to you at the clinic or by phone
REFEEDING STABILISING PROGRAM – personalized for you by Dr Cohen using the results from all your repeat blood tests (see below for explanation of what this is)
LIFE AFTER THE PROGRAM - Maintenance Guidelines
CLINIC SUPPORT – either at the clinic or by a phone consultation - this varies with each clinic, check with the one closest to you.
There are some private health funds that do treat this program as claimable (i.e., MBF and Medibank Private, etc), however you will need to contact your health fund directly as it depends on what type of cover you have and the amount which will be reimbursed. You will need to ask whether they allow a rebate for a weight loss programme. The Cohens clinics do not have a 'provider number' as Dr Cohen is not registered in Australia.
Yes, at no additional cost a payment plan is possible. This is done through another company called Certegy. You will need to contact a clinic to have the appropriate forms mailed out to you.
The eating plan consists of three meals a day of proteins and vegetables plus snacks of fruit and crispbreads. No "exotic" or "expensive" food needs to be purchased. It's good, simple, nutritious food. If there's something you particularly don't like, just don't eat it. I can't stand celery, for example, so I never ever ate it.
The programme doesn't tell you what to eat at each meal like some programmes, so you won't be told to eat 'chicken and mushroom bake' or such, you will simply get a programme that gives you a few choices per meal, and you decide whether you make salad or stir fry.
10% of people lose less than 7 kgs
70% of people lose between 7-10 kgs
20% of people lose between between 10-20 kgs
12% of people lose between 17-20 kgs
60% of people lose between 20-27 kgs
28% of people lose between 27-35 kgs
No, your body chemistry is continually changing so you must start your diet within 6 weeks of your initial blood test.
If you stop following your diet/program for 2 or more months before reaching your goal weight, your biochemistry alters and Dr Cohen will not be able to produce your refeeding program. If you need to stop your program for any reason you should inform your clinic.
And the negative
PostSubject: Re: Dr Cohens Diet?? Thu 28 Jun 2012, 2:36 pm
I have paid twice to do Cohens. Waste of nearly 2000 bucks all up. I refuse to cry over money but jesus if I had known better. Yes, I lost weight but I gained it back and more. Here are the reasons for anyone considering the program to NOT sign up.
1) I find this program is almost like a scam, all those blood tests and what not to make sure your program is unique, what crap. I know 3 different woman who joined and all of them came back with the exact same measurements for their meals. I would tell you what it is but I had to sign a contract saying I wouldn't share the program with anyone else. Which brings up another point, if all the programs are uniquely tailored to every individual, then why the need for the copyright?
2) It isn't just the food that is restrictive. It's the measurements. I never felt hungry on the program even though I was on 100grams of food per meal and that's because I was drinking 3 liters of water a day. You are measuring your protein and vegetables, the seasoning you use, the time between each meals, the snacks etc. Not only that, those measurements allow for no flexibility. It requires being super super organised, it requires giving up on a social life altogether as you can't measure food in a restaurant or if you're running late. And you can't measure cooked food, it has to be raw. Don't get me wrong, it is doable with a lot of maneuvering but it becomes exhausting long term. Not just exhausting doing the program but exhausting to have your life 24/7 become occupied with nothing but food. One of the girls I worked with four years ago back at the program lost over 40 kilos but she started looking and acting like someone with an eating disorder- tense, stressed and borderline paranoid. At the time I didn't see that though, all I saw was how skinny she had gotten. I met her at the start of the year and after a period of being hospitalized with gallstones, she gained most of the the weight back.
3) Paranoid. One of the many emotions you will feel during this program. Others include mania, exhausted, despair and a really low sense of self esteem and self worth. I remember going into melt downs over someone asking for a bite of my meal, or if my green tea had dried fruit in it, or if I had been given diet coke and not diet coke that was caffeine free or finding out that the sugar free gum I was chewing was fruit flavored. If you made a mistake and you told the consultants back at the office, you could feel yourself being silently judged and berated. I laugh now to think that a bread-stick had the sort of power that could lead to a mini breakdown. You live with a constant sense of fear that a 1% deviation will lead to catastrophe. For some people that works for them because it is so strict that it keeps them in boundaries. I personally can't live like that myself.
4) Dr. Cohen has a cult like following. I sound exaggerating, I know. But hear me out. You go on the forum, everyone on there seems nice and really welcoming. And some of them are lovely people. I'd say around 40% are reasonable, respectiful people. The other 60% however will turn on you the minute you question Cohens, just watch the fangs come out. They will tear you to shreds, they tear down other weight loss procedures to shreds. They call the program magical and miraculous, Dr Cohen is even referred to as the magician. I get that the program is miraculous for them but different things work for different people. People who have had surgery are derided as weak. There is a thread on lap banding as well which I will paste and while some of those points are very valid, the tone in it is horrible. There was also constant negativity which included talking about jealous people, idiots who wasted their time exercising trying to lose weight and programs that ripped off cohens such as bodytrim, sure slim etc.
5) Which brings me to my final point. If this program is still appealing to you, pick up the Dukan diet instead. The Dukan diet is very similar, it operates in similar 3 stages as Cohens which includes a refeed and maintenance, it has very similar results in terms of weight loss and there is no measuring each gram of food, it allows you to eat the list of food in unlimited quantities. It allows you to eat out, it has a longer track record of success and has been around longer than Dr Cohen's diet, it explains very thoroughly why the diet works and how the body works- no magician claim here, and finally you can grab the book for under $30 instead of paying $780, which doesn't even include the $20 you spend on blood tests every month. That's another annoying thing about Cohen, they give you the program in stages. So if you don't finish part one, you aren't allowed part two and three, never mind that you paid for the whole program. At least with Dukan he gives you all the information in one book.
Sorry for the long and rambling post, I don't want to make out Cohens to be the devil, I do have to agree that thanks to it I do know what foods are good for me and what to avoid in terms of gain but then again I find Dukan to be more informative. Also should add that just because myself and some people I know had a bad experience doesn't mean that everyone else will, many others do say that the program has changed their lives. I think both diets which call for a total elimination of carbs are difficult to follow but out of the two Dukan is a lot better. So if anyone wants any more information about either diets, pm me and I'd be happy to help.
what a scam, what a joke!
What is a "quantum neurologist" and just who are the PLEIADIAN High council"?
woops...found them
And you thought Scientology was weird....
Quote:This September Dr Cohn brings his passion and knowledge back to Australia.
Oh fuck this guy has been in the USofA?
From a Dr Cohen forum
Information about the programme and how to get started!
This is NOT an official 'Cohens Document'. If there ARE any errors they're MINE. It has been compiled to help you make an assessment as to whether the programme might be 'right' for you.
Dr Cohen's program offers rapid fat loss that should never come back provided you keep the hormones balanced by eating correctly. Dr Cohen's has isolated three hormones involved in managing body fat.
They are: Human Growth Hormone, Insulin and Serotonin.
In people who suffer from obesity, the level of human growth hormone drops, unnaturally high levels of insulin are released and serotonin is not released properly. As a result, sufferers’ constantly crave food and no matter how little or how much they eat, they gain weight.
Dr Cohen treats clients by analysing their unique blood profile and devising a custom-made eating plan accordingly. The eating plan stimulates these three hormones with specific food combinations and quantities so that the body starts burning its own fat. Your food becomes your medicine.
Dr Cohen has successfully treated thousands of people over the last 25 years. This is not another fad diet; it is based on medical research.
The cost of the program is $850.00. However, if you pay the total up front you will receive a $100 discount and pay only $750.00.
The cost of the programme does not include blood tests which are $22 for the initial blood test and $11 for the repeat blood tests. These are paid directly to the pathologist each time you have a test.
EATING PLAN – a personalized diet made for you by Dr Cohen using your initial blood results with the eating plan fully explained to you at the clinic or by phone
REFEEDING STABILISING PROGRAM – personalized for you by Dr Cohen using the results from all your repeat blood tests (see below for explanation of what this is)
LIFE AFTER THE PROGRAM - Maintenance Guidelines
CLINIC SUPPORT – either at the clinic or by a phone consultation - this varies with each clinic, check with the one closest to you.
There are some private health funds that do treat this program as claimable (i.e., MBF and Medibank Private, etc), however you will need to contact your health fund directly as it depends on what type of cover you have and the amount which will be reimbursed. You will need to ask whether they allow a rebate for a weight loss programme. The Cohens clinics do not have a 'provider number' as Dr Cohen is not registered in Australia.
Yes, at no additional cost a payment plan is possible. This is done through another company called Certegy. You will need to contact a clinic to have the appropriate forms mailed out to you.
The eating plan consists of three meals a day of proteins and vegetables plus snacks of fruit and crispbreads. No "exotic" or "expensive" food needs to be purchased. It's good, simple, nutritious food. If there's something you particularly don't like, just don't eat it. I can't stand celery, for example, so I never ever ate it.
The programme doesn't tell you what to eat at each meal like some programmes, so you won't be told to eat 'chicken and mushroom bake' or such, you will simply get a programme that gives you a few choices per meal, and you decide whether you make salad or stir fry.
10% of people lose less than 7 kgs
70% of people lose between 7-10 kgs
20% of people lose between between 10-20 kgs
12% of people lose between 17-20 kgs
60% of people lose between 20-27 kgs
28% of people lose between 27-35 kgs
No, your body chemistry is continually changing so you must start your diet within 6 weeks of your initial blood test.
If you stop following your diet/program for 2 or more months before reaching your goal weight, your biochemistry alters and Dr Cohen will not be able to produce your refeeding program. If you need to stop your program for any reason you should inform your clinic.
And the negative
PostSubject: Re: Dr Cohens Diet?? Thu 28 Jun 2012, 2:36 pm
I have paid twice to do Cohens. Waste of nearly 2000 bucks all up. I refuse to cry over money but jesus if I had known better. Yes, I lost weight but I gained it back and more. Here are the reasons for anyone considering the program to NOT sign up.
1) I find this program is almost like a scam, all those blood tests and what not to make sure your program is unique, what crap. I know 3 different woman who joined and all of them came back with the exact same measurements for their meals. I would tell you what it is but I had to sign a contract saying I wouldn't share the program with anyone else. Which brings up another point, if all the programs are uniquely tailored to every individual, then why the need for the copyright?
2) It isn't just the food that is restrictive. It's the measurements. I never felt hungry on the program even though I was on 100grams of food per meal and that's because I was drinking 3 liters of water a day. You are measuring your protein and vegetables, the seasoning you use, the time between each meals, the snacks etc. Not only that, those measurements allow for no flexibility. It requires being super super organised, it requires giving up on a social life altogether as you can't measure food in a restaurant or if you're running late. And you can't measure cooked food, it has to be raw. Don't get me wrong, it is doable with a lot of maneuvering but it becomes exhausting long term. Not just exhausting doing the program but exhausting to have your life 24/7 become occupied with nothing but food. One of the girls I worked with four years ago back at the program lost over 40 kilos but she started looking and acting like someone with an eating disorder- tense, stressed and borderline paranoid. At the time I didn't see that though, all I saw was how skinny she had gotten. I met her at the start of the year and after a period of being hospitalized with gallstones, she gained most of the the weight back.
3) Paranoid. One of the many emotions you will feel during this program. Others include mania, exhausted, despair and a really low sense of self esteem and self worth. I remember going into melt downs over someone asking for a bite of my meal, or if my green tea had dried fruit in it, or if I had been given diet coke and not diet coke that was caffeine free or finding out that the sugar free gum I was chewing was fruit flavored. If you made a mistake and you told the consultants back at the office, you could feel yourself being silently judged and berated. I laugh now to think that a bread-stick had the sort of power that could lead to a mini breakdown. You live with a constant sense of fear that a 1% deviation will lead to catastrophe. For some people that works for them because it is so strict that it keeps them in boundaries. I personally can't live like that myself.
4) Dr. Cohen has a cult like following. I sound exaggerating, I know. But hear me out. You go on the forum, everyone on there seems nice and really welcoming. And some of them are lovely people. I'd say around 40% are reasonable, respectiful people. The other 60% however will turn on you the minute you question Cohens, just watch the fangs come out. They will tear you to shreds, they tear down other weight loss procedures to shreds. They call the program magical and miraculous, Dr Cohen is even referred to as the magician. I get that the program is miraculous for them but different things work for different people. People who have had surgery are derided as weak. There is a thread on lap banding as well which I will paste and while some of those points are very valid, the tone in it is horrible. There was also constant negativity which included talking about jealous people, idiots who wasted their time exercising trying to lose weight and programs that ripped off cohens such as bodytrim, sure slim etc.
5) Which brings me to my final point. If this program is still appealing to you, pick up the Dukan diet instead. The Dukan diet is very similar, it operates in similar 3 stages as Cohens which includes a refeed and maintenance, it has very similar results in terms of weight loss and there is no measuring each gram of food, it allows you to eat the list of food in unlimited quantities. It allows you to eat out, it has a longer track record of success and has been around longer than Dr Cohen's diet, it explains very thoroughly why the diet works and how the body works- no magician claim here, and finally you can grab the book for under $30 instead of paying $780, which doesn't even include the $20 you spend on blood tests every month. That's another annoying thing about Cohen, they give you the program in stages. So if you don't finish part one, you aren't allowed part two and three, never mind that you paid for the whole program. At least with Dukan he gives you all the information in one book.
Sorry for the long and rambling post, I don't want to make out Cohens to be the devil, I do have to agree that thanks to it I do know what foods are good for me and what to avoid in terms of gain but then again I find Dukan to be more informative. Also should add that just because myself and some people I know had a bad experience doesn't mean that everyone else will, many others do say that the program has changed their lives. I think both diets which call for a total elimination of carbs are difficult to follow but out of the two Dukan is a lot better. So if anyone wants any more information about either diets, pm me and I'd be happy to help.
what a scam, what a joke!
What is a "quantum neurologist" and just who are the PLEIADIAN High council"?
woops...found them
And you thought Scientology was weird....
"The Universe is run by the complex interweaving of three elements: energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest." G'Kar-B5