Clues for the identity of the Antichrist
October 16, 2013 at 7:36 pm
(This post was last modified: October 16, 2013 at 7:37 pm by professor.)
As in many other things, clues are sometimes the only thing people get during investigating.
Did any candidate representing zip code 60606 win any election on the day before the Ill. lottery's winning number was 666 back in November of '08?
Has any candidate born on the 216th day of the year (216 is 6X6X6) won any notable election?
The odds of these falling on any one individual are 3.3 trillion to one.
(365X999 days per yr X possible lottery combos) X total number of Zip codes (42,000) X 216 days= 3,307,968.720,000.
3.3 with the decimal point removed is 33 - the highest number in the occult.
It was also reported that 33 million people watched the infomercial prior to the election.
There is more- The book of Daniel states the coming one would seek to CHANGE the times and LAWS.
Did any candidate ever run on a platform of CHANGE?
Has any candidate winner been changing laws?
The prophecy states the false messiah would be a "Mouth speaking great things" Does anyone fit that description?
Has any candidate's name in Farsi mean - "He with us", in the same way as Jesus' Name Emanuel means "God with us"?
Has anyone signed a beam with the words "We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger"?
When these words which were written have the "W" Hebrew letter equivalent (Vov=6) added up (since the were written vertically) does one get the number 666?
I do not know if stating the person these are pointing to, or using an initial is a violation of the rules here. There are a huge amount of clues left.
Maybe a long timer or Mod can tell me.
Did any candidate representing zip code 60606 win any election on the day before the Ill. lottery's winning number was 666 back in November of '08?
Has any candidate born on the 216th day of the year (216 is 6X6X6) won any notable election?
The odds of these falling on any one individual are 3.3 trillion to one.
(365X999 days per yr X possible lottery combos) X total number of Zip codes (42,000) X 216 days= 3,307,968.720,000.
3.3 with the decimal point removed is 33 - the highest number in the occult.
It was also reported that 33 million people watched the infomercial prior to the election.
There is more- The book of Daniel states the coming one would seek to CHANGE the times and LAWS.
Did any candidate ever run on a platform of CHANGE?
Has any candidate winner been changing laws?
The prophecy states the false messiah would be a "Mouth speaking great things" Does anyone fit that description?
Has any candidate's name in Farsi mean - "He with us", in the same way as Jesus' Name Emanuel means "God with us"?
Has anyone signed a beam with the words "We remember, We rebuild, We come back stronger"?
When these words which were written have the "W" Hebrew letter equivalent (Vov=6) added up (since the were written vertically) does one get the number 666?
I do not know if stating the person these are pointing to, or using an initial is a violation of the rules here. There are a huge amount of clues left.
Maybe a long timer or Mod can tell me.