it's 10 years to the day that god..... whichever one, decided to wipe out a quarter of a million followers with some water...
a bit like me spraying that ant powder last August ... felt like I was in control!
(my sincere respects to anybody who lost someone in that terrible natural disaster... please see my post as a smite on religion only)
a bit like me spraying that ant powder last August ... felt like I was in control!
(my sincere respects to anybody who lost someone in that terrible natural disaster... please see my post as a smite on religion only)
PS if you're about to post a reply and your response is going to be negative, improper, average, odd, obtuse, irrational, an argument, might change the focus, going off at a tangent or just mean ... go and find a maths forum to post on instead, they'll love you !!