Corporate Scum Suckers. Where Profits Are Far More Important Than People
Quote:Exxon knew of human role in climate change in 1981, then funded denial
Quote:Despite that, in the early 1990s the internal documents included in the report show a series of carefully planned campaigns of deception by industry groups including BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Shell, American Petroleum Institute (API), Western States Petroleum Association, Coal Industry and American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
In 1998 API drafted a plan to secretly support “independent” researchers who would publicly dispute established climate science. The trade group’s memo claimed that “victory” would be achieved when “average citizens ‘understand’ [recognize] uncertainties in climate science,” the report said.
Similar to the tobacco industry, which was known “for its use of active, intentional disinformation and deception to support its political aims and maintain its lucrative profits,” the fossil fuel industry spread misinformation to manufacture uncertainty in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence,” the report said.
Corporate Scum Suckers. Where Profits Are Far More Important Than People