Almost 2,500 years separate these maxims...and Bush fucked up both of them.
“It is a common mistake in going to war to begin at the wrong end, to act first, and wait for disasters to discuss the matter.”
– Thucydides
“No one starts a war--or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so--without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.”
Carl Von Clauswitz
The Bumbler In Chief.
“It is a common mistake in going to war to begin at the wrong end, to act first, and wait for disasters to discuss the matter.”
– Thucydides
“No one starts a war--or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so--without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.”
Carl Von Clauswitz
The Bumbler In Chief.